



From 2021-07-14 to 2021-08-12


03:46 PM Revision 273: Playbook updated with flipping of content, and changes to agenda timing
Aren Paster
01:23 PM Revision 272: Added the rubrics prepared by AACU (Association of American Colleges and Universities).
Junichi Kanai


11:42 AM Revision 271: updated descriptions in rubric per comments
Aren Paster
10:40 AM Revision 270: renamed to be clearer
Mark Anderson
10:40 AM Revision 269: The attached PPT file states the current ABET Criterion 3 Student Outcomes and Criterion 5 Capstone Design.
Junichi Kanai
10:39 AM Revision 268: marked up in an attempt to better tie to ABET 3.7
Mark Anderson


09:15 AM Revision 267: add "Wrap Up" to meeting minutes
Aren Paster


02:24 PM Revision 266: Updated all start/end times on Agenda based on return to 10 & noon class time
Updated all agenda slides in Playbook Aren Paster


08:51 AM Revision 265: fixed math of total duration throughout
Aren Paster


03:47 PM Revision 264: new and complete!
Mark Anderson
01:25 PM Revision 263: completed Statement of Work video
Mark Anderson
11:44 AM Revision 262: added link for EDN posting video
Aren Paster
11:27 AM Revision 261: removed narration, minor tweaks. Narration NOT recorded into the slides, using Webex instead.
Mark Anderson
10:55 AM Revision 260: put all source material in same place.
Mark Anderson
10:54 AM Revision 259: to match the video file name
Mark Anderson
10:52 AM Revision 258: all the original source materials needed to re-create this from scratch. Helpful also for learning how to use this tool.
Mark Anderson
10:41 AM Revision 257: added link for class 2 EDN video
Mark Anderson
10:38 AM Revision 256: fixed typo in slides, created narrated video using Microsoft Video
Mark Anderson
09:18 AM Revision 255: Done except for narration!
Mark Anderson


04:56 PM Revision 254: added subversion for out of class 2 tasks. reordered bullets related to new EDN video
Mark Anderson
10:40 AM Revision 253: found only use of "assignment" -> now task
Mark Anderson


05:03 PM Revision 252: addressing Brad's comments, all sound will be redone anyway...
Mark Anderson
03:36 PM Revision 251: added snapshot of agendas from end of S21 semester as reference at bottom of each sheet
Aren Paster


05:37 PM Revision 250: BD comments on MA SoW training files
Brad DeBoer
05:14 PM Revision 249: May end up deleting this PPT in favor of the screen recording - OR I may end up splicing them together... will see :)
Mark Anderson
02:35 PM Revision 248: Added 5 min wrap up to all agendas
Small updates to Playbook Aren Paster
09:03 AM Revision 247: removed semester from filename to make 'evergreen'
Aren Paster
09:02 AM Revision 246: Moving old Playbooks to the tag folder for preservation
Aren Paster
08:59 AM Revision 245: folder to capture 'historical' status of Playbook at end of each semester
Aren Paster
08:57 AM Revision 244: added CE time to Day 6
Aren Paster


11:30 AM Revision 243: The rubrics were reworded based on KS's recommendations.
Junichi Kanai


05:24 PM Revision 242: Now with graphics. Some text modified / re-arranged / formatted better. Still old, probably broken narration. Please review only for slide content / clarity.
Mark Anderson
03:13 PM Revision 241: first draft but complete. No graphics, no narration. CAN be used/shared as-is after review & any tweaks! OR enhanced with graphics / narration.
Mark Anderson
01:28 PM Revision 240: edits from Aren & Mark discussion
Mark Anderson
09:07 AM Revision 239: formatting of helpful hints - no content change, no narration soundtrack change
Mark Anderson


05:13 PM Revision 238: first pass, slides are too plain, runs about 14 min, so too long!
Mark Anderson
04:33 PM Revision 237: much progress, possibly content ready for recording! Needs graphics, logo, etc.
Mark Anderson
03:06 PM Revision 236: just getting started, wanted to make sure I knew where this was available from all my PC's
Mark Anderson


03:34 PM Revision 235: added column for Requirement 'Confidence' and description/instructions in notes.
Aren Paster
02:49 PM Revision 234: Benchmarking Memo introduced. links to rubric added.
Aren Paster
10:46 AM Revision 233: added Benchmarking Memo rubric
Aren Paster
08:59 AM Revision 232: Added standard abbreviations for student major.
Fixed the Wiki link to instructions Aren Paster

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