Added Technical Progress and Project Management Rubric in Excel and PDf.
Update the criteria for Introduction in r790 to match with the instructions. Change the file name to match with the title of the appendix.
Added the BDR rurbric files for creating a fillable PDF rubrics.
Weights are added to criteria cells.
Added an individual system evaluation rubric that is used as a part of a final design review presentation.
just sheet 2 of final design review rubric for clients
moving inactive rubrics
shifting older inactive rubrics used prior to F24
organizing and 'hiding' old inactive rubrics
Added Needs and Requirements Rubric with score fields in PDF and Excel.
Added the Excel version of Detailed Individual Design Report Rubric.
Added an Excel version of System Design Report Rubric.
Updated Client Meeting 3 Rubric.xlsx based on the Word version.
Added the Detailed Individual Design Report Rubric file.
Added the System Design Report Rubric.
Client Meeting 3 template and rubric updated for content and agreement
Added a fillable field for providing comments.
Added the BDR review form for guest reviewers.
minor formatting fixes to make it easier to enter info at top line and comments
modified slightly from PDR rubric version 480
formatting at end to generate more spacewent from 4 presenters to 3file & header name change
Added the fillable PDF version of the Client Meeting 2 Rubric file.
Updated the rubric for the F24 template file.
accepted all changes to give a clean starting point for the future. Previous version still has those if needed.
to better match the slide template
Corrected typographical errors.
Added a fillable PDF version of the Concept Generation & Selection Rubric.
same first page, added fill-in second page, same style as for IED
developed to match the current Concepts slide deck
Added the Excel version and fillable PDF version of Technical Progress and Project Management #1 rubrics.
Added the PDF version of the Benchmarking Rubric file.
PE team simplified # of rows and improved language.
similar to BDR, this is an individual rubric for the final design review
Added the initial Benchmarking Memo Rubric.
Deleting old rubric
Add the fillable PDF version of the final design review form.
Added BDR fillable PDF and Excel file.
Revised the rubric to improve its clarification.
Added the Excel versions of rubrics and feedback form, except BDR and Final Desin Review.
this was marked as DRAFT inside. The "real" document name is Project Statement and Objectives, so the existence of this draft might be confusing.
Fixed a typo: END -> EDN.
Created and added for the first Technical Progress and Project Management assessment.
Updated the table heading for clarification.
Added the Engineering Tools and Methods Feedback Form files.
Added the PDF and Excel versions.
Updated the sores.
1. Project Overview row 1.1 Deleted "relevant background information" because of duplication.1.2 "long-term goals" was replaced by "with the client's goals" for clarification.2. Customer Needs and Engineering Requirements2.1 "specifications" was replaced by "requirements" because of consistency.
migrated from Box to repo after small cleanup
Added the following files: final Design Report Rubric.docx, Final Design Review Rubric.docx, and Final Poster Rubric.docx.
Fixed typos.
Added Client Meeting 2 and 3 rubrics.
Added both .xlsx and .pdf versions of Technical Memo Rubric.
Project Statement and Objectives Rubric.docx.
Added BDR rubrics - Individual and Team.
Add the following fields: student, reviewer, and date.
Added Technical Progress and Project Management Rubric.
Deleting Obsolete files
Renamed to correct spelling errors
Updated the formulas for calculating the report grade.
Deleted unused rubrics to avoid confusions.
Fixed grammatical errors.Added "Required" to the Comment cell in the students form.
Delete Many, Numerous, Some, and Few from the Documentation section.
Change the scores from the 4.0 scale to the 100.0 scale.Updated Design Report Phase 1, Documented Technical Contributions, and Project Management Rubrics.
Uploaded the PDF version.
Updated the number of posts needed.
Corrected the numeric score for "C"
Changed some words based on KD's suggestions that clarified grading criteria.
Revised the individual presentation section.
removing old file
fixed typo in filename
Updated F22 rubrics
'Status Report' renamed to 'Status Update'
un-italicized comments
slight formatting change to get document to 2 pages
standardized names for all 3 Design Report rubrics
changed the C=3.0 to C=2.0DID NOT CHANGE THE DATES at top of file, as this is the only change.
Project Name was change to Student Name.
Updated the formulas.
Fixed typo - Changed "3.0(C)" to "2.0(C)" in table header
Revised based on AP's feedback.
Safety was eliminated. Scores are weighted.
Added the Word version of the file.
Added the F21 version of Project Management Rubric, both Word and PDF.
Added an updated PDF version of Documented Technical Contributions Rubrics.
Added the Word version of Documented Technical Contributions Rubric.
changed name of assignment & rubric from Benchmarking to Background Memo
Added Project Plan; Weighted scoared are calculated by functions.
The heading was updated to make it easier for CEs to figure out numeric scores.
Heading was updated; Weights were added; Safety was removed.
Weighted scores are calculated by the functions.
formatting and grammar/clarity revisions to new rubrics
This record keeping rubric uses the weekly evaluation approach.
This rubric uses the weekly evaluation approach.
swapped weight of technical writing and syntax/mechanicsslight grammatical changesfixed duplication of description in tech writing row
The criteria were updated.
Added the rubrics prepared by AACU (Association of American Colleges and Universities).
updated descriptions in rubric per comments
renamed to be clearer