


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
572 2023-08-31 12:32 PM Brad DeBoer

Clarified one thought per Post-It in ideation, added speaker note to Day 2 Action Items slide

571 2023-08-31 12:24 PM Mark Anderson

should we include in playbook for reference?

570 2023-08-31 08:53 AM Junichi Kanai

The Day 5 agenda included ETM, but it was not defining in the Playbook. Hence, I added ETM to the Engineering Tools and Methods slide so students can find the definition using the Find command.

569 2023-08-29 01:45 PM Aren Paster

small formatting changes

568 2023-08-28 04:34 PM Junichi Kanai

Replaced Paul Chow’s photo with Russ Kraft's photo on "Faculty – Chief Engineers", Slide 13.

558 2023-08-25 02:47 PM Aren Paster

Changes to slides 8,13,14,17,43,103,105,106
per KD

557 2023-08-24 03:25 PM Mark Anderson

broken Mediasite links fixed

556 2023-08-24 01:27 PM Mark Anderson

minor fix terms

555 2023-08-24 09:56 AM Aren Paster

Agreement of Action Items between Playbook slides and Capstone Support Wiki

551 2023-08-23 10:44 AM Aren Paster

action items updated
KD suggestions incorporated from 8/21

550 2023-08-23 07:06 AM Junichi Kanai

Updated the Technical Memo due date in the Action Item Before Day 8.

548 2023-08-22 04:39 PM Brad DeBoer

Updated location for Team Building Event

545 2023-08-22 02:18 PM Mark Anderson

changes made with Aren to match up Action Items with on-site meeting contents

543 2023-08-22 11:53 AM Aren Paster

tickets out -> employee survey
URLs checked and updated

542 2023-08-22 10:13 AM Aren Paster

url's checked and updated throughout

541 2023-08-21 04:26 PM Brad DeBoer

Added Team-Building Retreat

540 2023-08-21 03:38 PM Aren Paster

review and light terminology changes

539 2023-08-21 01:14 PM Aren Paster

nearly final updates to Playbook
Agenda schedule slide timing and language updated and distributed through Playbook.

538 2023-08-18 03:37 PM Mark Anderson

Brad/Mark/Aren meeting. Need to merge in changes from Aren's PC.

537 2023-08-18 10:27 AM Aren Paster

nearly final walk through to make final changes for F23
- fix page numbers
- deleted slides hidden during development
- some added animation

536 2023-08-17 05:03 PM Aren Paster

Day 9+10 removed
all hand meetings added to end
various changes to PSO and engineering tools + methods slides

some format massaging throughout

533 2023-08-17 11:49 AM Aren Paster

updated 'class' terminology throughout
some formatting and other tweaks

530 2023-08-17 10:36 AM Aren Paster

formatting and terminology changes
hid the SoW slides

529 2023-08-16 04:34 PM Mark Anderson

found/added Post-It graphic and fixed that spelling from "Post It" to "Post-It"

528 2023-08-16 04:30 PM Mark Anderson

team meetings yielded changes for narrative and some general improvements. a few notes are embedded for more changes. Team meeting stopped at day 8, I made comparable changes to rest of the slides to help speed the final meeting.

527 2023-08-16 12:20 PM Mark Anderson

changes from today's meeting

526 2023-08-14 04:34 PM Mark Anderson

some more narrative work

525 2023-08-14 12:15 PM Mark Anderson

new Needs and Requirements slides merged in

524 2023-08-11 02:02 PM Aren Paster

narrative terminology changed throughout

523 2023-08-11 01:46 PM Aren Paster

narrative terminology mostly changed over

519 2023-08-09 08:45 AM Mark Anderson

minor change to needs & req's. NOT yet adding gameful

518 2023-08-08 05:21 PM Junichi Kanai

Added the Review and Update Prooject Plan slide.

517 2023-08-08 04:52 PM Mark Anderson

completed some font size / spacing fixes

516 2023-08-04 03:37 PM Aren Paster

some wraparound narrative language additions

515 2023-08-04 01:58 PM Brad DeBoer

Updates to classes 1-4 to remove COVID language, introduce team building activity, and begin reframing.

513 2023-08-04 10:24 AM Aren Paster

term changes. Sponsor -> Client

504 2023-07-20 10:01 AM Aren Paster

revision history moved to END of document and cleared for F23 semester

496 2023-05-30 09:24 AM Mark Anderson

notes, small changes

478 2023-02-07 10:01 AM Aren Paster

updated Ticket Out link

476 2023-02-01 10:33 AM Mark Anderson

improvements for Background memo slides to clarify expectations and mechanics

474 2023-01-27 08:24 AM Aren Paster

agenda color coding fixed

471 2023-01-24 08:37 AM Aren Paster

Formatting adjustments p81-83

469 2023-01-23 09:10 AM Aren Paster

Added content and time for Technical Communication topic on Day 5

466 2023-01-18 02:47 PM Aren Paster

compressed images

465 2023-01-18 01:32 PM Aren Paster

corrected 'PDR' to 'Midterm' Forum reference

464 2023-01-14 03:48 PM Junichi Kanai

Changed F22 to S23 in Slide 98.
Updated the Background Memo due dates.

463 2023-01-13 12:42 PM Brad DeBoer

Added speaker notes to and animated prompts on Day 2 poster slide

462 2023-01-13 11:51 AM Mark Anderson

found another When Is Good > WhenIsGood and added When2Meet

461 2023-01-13 09:46 AM Mark Anderson

two minor changes

460 2023-01-12 12:49 PM Aren Paster

clarify 'MS Word' document for in-class activity

459 2023-01-12 11:56 AM Brad DeBoer

Fixed TSA due date in Class 2 from five weeks to Class 6

456 2023-01-10 02:32 PM Mark Anderson

class 1 we now do team building stuff in class, so deleted from Out of Class tasks

454 2023-01-05 09:39 AM Mark Anderson

added mention of team ideation poster to Class 2 out of class tasks

453 2023-01-04 03:09 PM Aren Paster

updated Ticket Out links

452 2023-01-04 12:48 PM Aren Paster

CE pictures updated for Spring 23 roster

451 2023-01-03 04:35 PM Aren Paster

Shifted some discussion time on Day 2 from poster summary to question classification
Slight adjustments to match out of class content in Playbook with Wiki

450 2022-12-20 03:38 PM Aren Paster

Day 1 – “2 additional questions” for Out of Class tasks, Day 2 - Slight timing shift for technical tasks. Standardized box outline weight to 2.25 pt, added updating to most sections of Design Report
Finished documentation content shift from class 2 to 5

updates to day 2 schedule graphics

448 2022-12-20 03:07 PM Aren Paster

many changes which will be explained in next commit

446 2022-12-07 10:42 AM Aren Paster

updated day 2 Agenda slides

445 2022-12-06 04:22 PM Aren Paster

Day 2 content changed and some shifted to Day 5 - documentation & ideation exercise summary

443 2022-11-16 03:10 PM Aren Paster

removed duplicate Out of Class task to read Documentation Wiki from class 3

430 2022-09-23 10:38 AM Brad DeBoer

Fixed typo (you -> your) slide 96

429 2022-09-23 09:38 AM Junichi Kanai

Revised the instructions for checking out working from the repository in the Out of Class Tasks slide for Class 3 (due before Class 4).

428 2022-09-23 09:23 AM Mark Anderson

point out that class 8 agenda can't be to work on the slides because they are DUE before the START of class.

427 2022-09-22 03:58 PM Aren Paster

Day 9 agenda converted to near identical Day 9 and Day 10 Agendas. Playbook images and descriptions updated.

425 2022-09-20 03:37 PM Brad DeBoer

Clarified wording of Class 6 Out of Class Tasks

423 2022-09-16 12:34 PM Mark Anderson

added slide on long term vs short term objectives because most teams still did not understand that difference.

421 2022-09-12 03:39 PM Brad DeBoer

Revise Class 2 out of class tasks to match playbook to EDN video.

420 2022-09-12 11:59 AM Aren Paster

Added mention of Team Standards Agreement to Out of Class Tasks

419 2022-09-08 08:42 AM Junichi Kanai

Updated the BG Memo assignment due date in the Out of Class Tasks to be completed before Class 8.

418 2022-09-08 08:25 AM Aren Paster

updated Percipio link

417 2022-09-07 02:21 PM Aren Paster

fixed color coding of Agenda slides in Playbook and Wiki

416 2022-09-02 12:58 PM Aren Paster

deleted footer, shifted location of note in day 2

414 2022-09-01 10:46 AM Junichi Kanai

Corrected a period to question mark in the Poster Creation slide.

413 2022-09-01 10:44 AM Junichi Kanai

Added the poster creation activities with their duration to Class 2.

412 2022-09-01 08:53 AM Brad DeBoer

Broke out Ice Breaker slides and added directions to slides, added slide of N&R prompts for Question Generation activity

408 2022-08-31 10:31 AM Mark Anderson

found broken links to the playbook

406 2022-08-30 08:19 AM Aren Paster

updated choices for Day 1 Ice Breaker

405 2022-08-29 11:51 AM Brad DeBoer

Updated Class One out-of-class tasks

404 2022-08-29 09:21 AM Mark Anderson

added single bullet to refer to project description (if you have not read it / don't recall details)

402 2022-08-29 12:26 AM Junichi Kanai

Added the Team Member Intro, Slide 21.

401 2022-08-27 03:21 PM Junichi Kanai

Updated the CEs' photos.

400 2022-08-26 02:00 PM Brad DeBoer

Deleted first slide ("To-Do" list for required edits prior to first class).

399 2022-08-24 03:06 PM Aren Paster

corrected Ticket Out Google link

397 2022-08-22 01:53 PM Aren Paster

removed ALL reference to Box & Webex locations during scaffolded classes

394 2022-08-22 08:28 AM Brad DeBoer

Added Icebreaker and OOCT for Team Standards Agreement

392 2022-08-19 12:31 PM Aren Paster

'final' PE group review of Day 1 and 2 updates to scaffolded sessions

387 2022-08-16 12:38 PM Junichi Kanai

Slide 8 10 min - Logistics: Deleted the Webex instructions
Slide 9 COVID-19 Related Challenges - Modified to follow the latest RPI's guidelines.
Slide 16 Participation Expections - Added DIE statements; added documentation needs.

386 2022-08-15 04:09 PM Aren Paster

All agenda slides updated with topic category icons
Day 1 & 2 updated with new strategy

384 2022-08-05 03:18 PM Aren Paster

Day 1 & 2 schedule adjusted to increase early team building activities and CE interaction

383 2022-08-04 04:01 PM Aren Paster

Welcome slide added, some formatting corrections

382 2022-08-04 01:46 PM Mark Anderson

clarifications, where to post contact info, sprinkled Electronic Design Notebook (EDN) around to make this clearer through repetition.

378 2022-07-25 03:26 PM Aren Paster

small wording change on CE meeting slide per KD request

377 2022-07-11 03:55 PM Aren Paster

categorize and format Out of Class Task slides

376 2022-07-08 11:34 AM Aren Paster

Out of Class Task pages reformatted and categorized

373 2022-06-02 09:40 AM Aren Paster 'New' Playbook for Fall 22
  • cleared revision history
367 2022-02-01 04:34 PM Mark Anderson

Some enhancements related to Class 7 and it's out of class tasks.

366 2022-02-01 11:23 AM Mark Anderson


365 2022-02-01 10:44 AM Mark Anderson

still had wrong dates!

364 2022-02-01 10:17 AM Mark Anderson

fixed background memo dates