Tweaks to Day 10 discussion of system Design report and DID AppendixUpdated due date
fixed typo on client meeting 1 ->2 on pg 139
tweaked initialing of Post-It notes
Day 8 timing adjustedReflecting on Project plan removedmore time to Project planning intro
slides to better match the agenda
corrected duration for concept selection
updated dates on System Design Report
cleaned up EDN usage slide 97
updated EDN usage on Day 5
Update slide 75 title to match Kahoot title
updated to Spring 2025 dates
Kahoot instructions clarified to 'team' rather than 'student'
- improved instructions and reference for Slido on Day 1- tweaked some wording on EDN expectations on Day 2
slight timing adjustment on Day 1 activities
N&R expanded to Needs and Reqs on Day 9 agenda
slides added for Documentation + Participation Expectations
added Day 2 accountability slideupdated info on Day 1 find your seat slides
Updated the assessment weightage as per the syllabus
added slide 64 on participation expectations - 4 technical post/week
slight grammar and formattingadded Accountability slide for Day 2
Spring 25 playbook released!
Only change is wiped change log and updated dates for LEAP Team Building Retreat
Fixed a couple spelling & typo issues
small tweaks to BDR slides
Reordered BDR/system design report/DiD report instructions
added content about BDR content to end of Playbook.
merged in an "extra" system deign slide
generated by listening to Aren's presentation, then finding examples & filling in details
Updated playbook slide 121 with the Slido exercise for project planning.
shifted System Design Report and DID introduction to Day 13
added safety training reminder on Day 7
changed color of schedule box on Day 5
swap Kahoot in for Horse Race slide on Day 6
updated Day 5 Slido slide
it still mentioned the team poster
formatting and flow adjustments to Day 2reduced time to read description, added time to N&R development.
fixed typo
added slide to introduce Benchmarking Memo to day 3
Updated Kahoot Slide for Day 3
Added "* Feedback on your teammates’ work" to "What Should I document?" slide.
Meeting 2 - Animated prompts on “Identifying Team Skills” slide, moved “Review Project Description” slide to after N&R/User Stories slides
Added Instructions for Kahoot Activity.
day 1 agenda shifted slightlyless wrap up time, added team time to discuss project
updated QR code
expanded the N&R section to include user stories and use cases in class 2
done with all our draft work, merging it back to main line
Updated the overview slide with the adjusted assessment weightage
some link fixing
Added the meeting space assignments to the beginning of file.
Corrected info for Ice Breaker (room typo, etc.)
told where to pot preliminary deliverables
added RPI and DL logos to 1st slideTime added to day 6 + 7 for deliverablesslight grammar and formatting fixes throughout
slido updated and time + slides for deliverables added
addressed some issues Mark found 8/21
various small formatting and grammar 'fixes'
re-implemented most of earlier changes and further tweaks. NO actual content change.
formatting changesupdated Agenda slides days 9+10
Update the following slides:Slide 12 - Slido to understand students expectations on capstone.Slide 28/29 - Overview of Capstone Course.
Day 9/10 team Agenda block reduced to 30 minsDay 9/10 added 10 mins of CE reflection on Client Meeting 1
Removed daily reminders to download PlaybookModified formatting of Out of Class Task reminder slides
minor formatting, no material changes
changes based on today's several hours of meetings :)
small changes
Added the second documentation slide (#19).
formatting and content adjustments based on full PE meeting
Day 4 agenda shifted to FULL class discussion of Benchmarking
Some content pulled out of Playbook into Wiki - Needs & Reqs
Mark messed Aren up
schedule - adjust Day 6playbook - OneDrive now allowed for team documents, some content/flow cleanup
many changes based on group PE meeting to iron out problems and smooth out changes
"Design a Vehicle" activity pulled out of Playbook and put into a separate PPT for optional training session.
some formatting and updates
never heard of this "pre commit hook", interesting
PlaybookNEWEST Agenda slides addedcolor coding changed on Design process roadmap slides
Agendaformatting, aesthetics of split activities
KN & AP discussion - Updates and Comments added to some slides (Class 1 - 5)
changes captured in change log. I already forget what they were.
Playbook - adjusted flow to match Agendas betterAgendas - formatting and 'prettification', 'Q&A' activities retitled to 'Intro'
corrected activity type markers - triangle/square/circle
now includes benchmarking
updates on meeting with AP, BD, MA
many changes and updates based on meeting - AP, MA, BD
some updates based on AP + MA meetings week of 7/1
formatting updates
updated Agendas and Out of Class task lists per meeting between AP and MA
updates so far today- Aren and Mark
part way through draft updates to F24 plan and approach
fixed formula on summary sheet
hacking to develop the F24 version
updated BDR introduction slides
fixed typo on Day 9 agenda (8->9)
file name format for memo changed to match wiki instructions
tweaks to Kathryn's content from her
project -> vehicle to reduce confusion
formatting improvements on Needs & Reqs 85-87
updated grammar per KD on slide 99
fixed agreement of need+reqs slides 86+87
Updated Needs and Requirements Activity slides
Updated Day 5 Wrap-Up slides
Updated Day 3 Wrap-Up Slide
Added the latest version number, 4.0, of the online safety training to the Action Items slides.
Updated ideation poster slides to account for use of whiteboard