Removed Detailed Individual Design Report to avoid confusion
small format changes for readabilitymax font size shifted from 66 to 60 to match Wiki
formatting and grammar updates to clarify work required for S24 rollout
Added Agenda slide
'secondary objectives' section removed
includes my feedback and has the detailed individual report merged in as an appendix, one per student. instructions IN the template.
improved instructions for final vs midterm contentsreduced font size on finalremoved RPI 200 logo
'sponsor' replaced by 'client'
Engineering Tools and Methods DELETED from Appendix
Appendices renumbered and titles changed to match template files [Checklist -> Worksheet]
added deeper description of Technical Challengesfont switched to Arial to match instructions elsewhere
Added a link to the wiki page containing sample subsystem interface tables.Modified the table header.
Client Meeting 3 template and rubric updated for content and agreement
was accidentally saved in Master view
added mind map of concepts here and in the instructions. This is taught in IED
minor tweak to tell students to remove the instructions when done!
minor tweak
Returned (updated) instructions to template.
now includes engineering standards
reference do not count against 4-page limit
improved instructions to match Wiki
fix the name
final draft version. Needs edit by Junichi for interfaces
This file was deleted to keep only a benchmarking memo template.
The instructions matches with the wiki page now.
Matched the structure with the wiki page.
technical memo template changed over to "Benchmarking_Memo-Topic-RCSid.docx"
Added the initial benchmarking memo template.
Added instructions on slides
minor tweak to make diagram -> diagram(s) in section heading
Removed comment from slide re client description of project
minor format error
new for this semester. essentially the team aspect of a mid term report. a reduction of the end of semester's team report.
to be used alongside the User Stories template.
minor tweaks to instructions
PPT to document concepts generated for project
Added new templates for Client MeetingsRemoved old client meeting template to not confuse students
fixed typo
added column for 'Name'
document for teams to capture Day 2 in-class discussion of skills
document to capture Day 2 class discussion
Changed the style of References to Heading 1, and updated the Table of Contents to show References.
The new worksheet was created and added to the repository.
standard template for user stories. titles match wiki page descriptions
original and now obsolete. too complicated to use
added PNG of Ideation poster for 'ease' of printing in Adobe IllustratorNeeds and Req Day added to scaffolded schedule as (new) Day 5, shifting out (former) Day 5-8 to (new) Day 6-9.
Added Glossary page. Wiki has also been updated.
Deleted "and Engineering Specifications" from Section 5 heading.
deleted column one which was confusing students on tracking # vs explanation
Added System Evaluation Worksheet.
all semester / date info removed, file moved from Box to here
removed obsolete, replaced with new
Changed name from Client Meeting 1.pptx to Client Meeting to reflect use of one template for all meetings.
new for this semester
Committing Project Statement and Objectives.docx
Renamed Design Report.docx to Final Design Report.docx
Updated templates for Design report and technical memo.
revised per course development work
single 'tech approach/accomplishment/demo' slide split into 3 separate slides
removing PDR from filename
instructions shifted from this document to Wiki page
term change. Sponsor -> Client
term changes. Sponsor -> Client
terminology change from sponsor -> client
completed based on team consensus in yesterday's Course Development meeting. May need a final tweak for PowerPoint format compatibility.
still early draft. Corresponding wiki page in process as well.
updated template w/ Mark's comments
Renaming File to convey use for Sponsor Meeting 1 and Preliminary Design Review
Sponsor Meeting/Preliminary Design Review Slide Deck Template
Updated Agenda Slide to accommodate dual purposes (Status Update 1 and Mid-Term Review)
renamed to reflect new language
Find & replace 'Background' with 'Technical'slight wording changes
slight content, format, grammar updates
small mods, awaiting more feedback
updated for KD feedback. Need team feedback / possible tweaking. Instructions updated.
adding first draft. proposal is to shift emphasis of sponsor meetings away from typical project management status updates to be more "agile" and focus on gaining project clarity and showing results to date.
better name, more generic
new checklist style rubric for meeting agenda. Can be used by teams at the start of each meeting and/or used by DL team to observe / coach / record progress
few spelling & grammar changesExpense Report changed from Optional to Mandatory
We no longer print posters! Instructions updated!!
moved project info line to header to repeat on all pages
improved sections table and pointed to tech writing in Capstone Support wiki
Added 4 page length requirement from Wiki explanation.
Fixed some punctuation
updated based on feedback from a team that was unclear on some of the instructions. Clarified timeframes for having slides ready and time window for milestones
added figure caption
lost the "comments" area
instruction to keep status on 1 slide and clarify that no explanation is needed for 'green' items
removed an invalid item from the Types tab. Must use Python is not a measurable requirement nor a functional need. It's a solution constraint and as such does not belong in the file.
with teaching graphic
added a closing comment after the checklist.
added a comments area at the end...
Adding updated versions of the Team Ideation exercise. (transitioned from online PPT style to printable in-person versions)
from Olin, modified to be done via Webex. Unfortunately, will need to be periodically synced between the two versions
from Olin. Not the Webex enabled version. see other file
same as one for IED tho currently saved in their respective repos.
changes made as per issue #56587
Many changes related to eliminating confusion between sections, clarifying location of content, reformatting of N&R list
derived from, but replaces, the IED style decision matrix.
'Status Report' renamed to 'Status Update'
I made mods based on far too many teams not understanding / following the template this semester!