found only use of "assignment" -> now task
addressing Brad's comments, all sound will be redone anyway...
added snapshot of agendas from end of S21 semester as reference at bottom of each sheet
BD comments on MA SoW training files
May end up deleting this PPT in favor of the screen recording - OR I may end up splicing them together... will see :)
Added 5 min wrap up to all agendasSmall updates to Playbook
removed semester from filename to make 'evergreen'
Moving old Playbooks to the tag folder for preservation
folder to capture 'historical' status of Playbook at end of each semester
added CE time to Day 6
The rubrics were reworded based on KS's recommendations.
Now with graphics. Some text modified / re-arranged / formatted better. Still old, probably broken narration. Please review only for slide content / clarity.
first draft but complete. No graphics, no narration. CAN be used/shared as-is after review & any tweaks! OR enhanced with graphics / narration.
edits from Aren & Mark discussion
formatting of helpful hints - no content change, no narration soundtrack change
first pass, slides are too plain, runs about 14 min, so too long!
much progress, possibly content ready for recording! Needs graphics, logo, etc.
just getting started, wanted to make sure I knew where this was available from all my PC's
added column for Requirement 'Confidence' and description/instructions in notes.
Benchmarking Memo introduced. links to rubric added.
added Benchmarking Memo rubric
Added standard abbreviations for student major.Fixed the Wiki link to instructions
Nearly all Class Agenda slides updated here (and in Wiki) to- add CE time to class 6- add Class 3 ticket out- small formatting changes- Risk Analysis Memo replaced with Benchmarking Memo
Added new Chemical SOP Template (formerly hosted on EH&S website)Renamed Instructions for Acquiring Chemicals.doc (formerly Chemical SOP.doc) to make things clear and cleaned up some language therein
Added External & Internal concept search slides from IED textbook
Ticket Out links updated
filename change to accurately reflect BenchMarking not BackGround title
added new Benchmarking Memo template
Design Process slide added after agenda slides
note about internal vs external resources
started making minor edits. COVID slide, flipped
Initial version of meeting minute template for team meetings. Text file, so it can be cut & pasted into EDN and formatted properly.
Getting ready to move purchasing forms
test, no changes to file
additional stressing of importance of EDN documentation p67
some updates based on notes during S21
Design Lab logo added to footer
Fresh copy of Playbook created for Fall 2021 semester
Updated Final Report Form.docx and Final_Design_Review_Form.docx.
Added a PDF version of the Project Management Rubric.
Added the Project Management Rubric.
Tagged Rubrics folder so that we can clean the folder.
This folder is used to tag folders in this directory.
Added the Excel file for assigning fabrication spaces.
Fixed typos.
The syllabus was updated based on KD's comments.
This folder is used to maintain course documents
Updated the form according to KD's edits.
Updated the rubric for the new report template.
added example of one of the million online tools the students should not use - because one of my teams mentioned it.
added concept generation - explanation of and need for BOTH internal and external sources. This is covered (briefly as with all IED topics) in IED but not reinforced anywhere.
just reversed two existing bullets. My OCD kicked in :)
few more PDR related tweaks - updated change log this time, clarified poster file to repo, discussion to forum
added actual PDR dates to the last slide with the table of presenters
improved clarity of 3 roles in PDR review
Add numerical scores to the rubric.
Added reviewing a PDR poster to Out of Class 9 Tasks. Added a slide that shows the PDR Review Presentation schedule at the end of this file.
Update OoCT for Class 8 to form PDR Teams
fix Junichi's version number to be the next one. Changed "report" to "memo" for the Risk Analysis Memo :)
added note to include name in Risk Memo filename
where to put the risk memo
Added the risk analysis memo assignment to Day 7 Out of Class Task, Slide #82.
changed clas 6 "car" to "vehicle" because that's what we used in class 5.
Class 6 OoCT Update
Updated Class 6 OoCT's
added letters A/B/C to the 3 subgroups, label/arrow to SoW forum - since that's the topic of that day
improvement to Design Report instructions and flipping of that explanation and SoW exercise
added slide on TA purpose and contact info
Day 6 agenda adjustments due to shifting 'every team is different' to day 3.
Updated class 2 out of class tasks to require posting info to EDN
Corrected track B sequence on slide 34
titles on p34+35 fixed to match content
additional notes about New vs Continuing projects
added Notes to PE (in the notes section of slides) related to team track scheduling for Days 3 & 4
no GroupME now that we have WEbex
improved instructions and shifted activity timing for Day 2 tracks
separator place holder slides added
minor tweak to match a slide title to the Agenda words to reduce confusion
agenda slide movedDay 1 timing disagreement fixed
The link to Playbook was updated in Slide 6.The link to Syllabus was updated in Slide 17.
Syllabus link updated
Ticket Out links and CE pictured updated
fixed math error in AgendaVerified and fixed agreement between schedule, playbook, and Wiki Agenda pages
Needs & Reqs - Types listed to help identify undiscovered/unspoken needs
"template" removed from Report & Poster filenames
Report phases doc - formattingPlaybook - MANY format edits, report phases graphic added, safety training reminder added, other stuff in revision table
graphics for end of semester outputs
adding content beyond just the design report phases so renamed
better box formatting
butterfly analogy added
formatting to table
Roles of engineering standards in engineering practices are introduced.
Tip to update playbook before each class added to all agenda slides
"template" removed from filename
Added slide to play with ideas
Renaming to remove "Template" from file.
took out a couple spaces , minor format fix
updates to Day 1 schedule for improved team building and CE introduction