Updated Client Meeting 3 Rubric.xlsx based on the Word version.
Added the Detailed Individual Design Report Rubric file.
Added the System Design Report Rubric.
Changed the section title of Inclusive Guideline to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity Guideline on page 4.
Added a link to the wiki page containing sample subsystem interface tables.Modified the table header.
Client Meeting 3 template and rubric updated for content and agreement
was accidentally saved in Master view
added mind map of concepts here and in the instructions. This is taught in IED
minor tweak to tell students to remove the instructions when done!
minor tweak
Fixed a couple spelling & typo issues
Returned (updated) instructions to template.
Added a fillable field for providing comments.
small tweaks to BDR slides
Added the BDR review form for guest reviewers.
minor formatting fixes to make it easier to enter info at top line and comments
Reordered BDR/system design report/DiD report instructions
added content about BDR content to end of Playbook.
modified slightly from PDR rubric version 480
formatting at end to generate more spacewent from 4 presenters to 3file & header name change
Added the fillable PDF version of the Client Meeting 2 Rubric file.
merged in an "extra" system deign slide
Updated the rubric for the F24 template file.
accepted all changes to give a clean starting point for the future. Previous version still has those if needed.
to better match the slide template
generated by listening to Aren's presentation, then finding examples & filling in details
now includes engineering standards
Corrected typographical errors.
Added a fillable PDF version of the Concept Generation & Selection Rubric.
same first page, added fill-in second page, same style as for IED
developed to match the current Concepts slide deck
Added the Excel version and fillable PDF version of Technical Progress and Project Management #1 rubrics.
Updated playbook slide 121 with the Slido exercise for project planning.
shifted System Design Report and DID introduction to Day 13
added safety training reminder on Day 7
changed color of schedule box on Day 5
reference do not count against 4-page limit
swap Kahoot in for Horse Race slide on Day 6
updated Day 5 Slido slide
Fixed broken hyperlinks.
it still mentioned the team poster
formatting and flow adjustments to Day 2reduced time to read description, added time to N&R development.
Added the PDF version of the Benchmarking Rubric file.
improved instructions to match Wiki
PE team simplified # of rows and improved language.
fix the name
final draft version. Needs edit by Junichi for interfaces
This file was deleted to keep only a benchmarking memo template.
The instructions matches with the wiki page now.
Matched the structure with the wiki page.
similar to BDR, this is an individual rubric for the final design review
fixed typo
added slide to introduce Benchmarking Memo to day 3
Added the initial Benchmarking Memo Rubric.
technical memo template changed over to "Benchmarking_Memo-Topic-RCSid.docx"
Added the initial benchmarking memo template.
Updated Kahoot Slide for Day 3
Added "* Feedback on your teammates’ work" to "What Should I document?" slide.
Added instructions on slides
minor tweak to make diagram -> diagram(s) in section heading
Removed comment from slide re client description of project
Meeting 2 - Animated prompts on “Identifying Team Skills” slide, moved “Review Project Description” slide to after N&R/User Stories slides
Added Instructions for Kahoot Activity.
day 1 agenda shifted slightlyless wrap up time, added team time to discuss project
minor format error
updated QR code
new for this semester. essentially the team aspect of a mid term report. a reduction of the end of semester's team report.
expanded the N&R section to include user stories and use cases in class 2
to be used alongside the User Stories template.
done with all our draft work, merging it back to main line
Updated the overview slide with the adjusted assessment weightage
some link fixing
Added the meeting space assignments to the beginning of file.
Corrected info for Ice Breaker (room typo, etc.)
Added check boxes to the Fall 2024 Action Items.
minor tweaks to instructions
told where to pot preliminary deliverables
added RPI and DL logos to 1st slideTime added to day 6 + 7 for deliverablesslight grammar and formatting fixes throughout
slido updated and time + slides for deliverables added
addressed some issues Mark found 8/21
various small formatting and grammar 'fixes'
re-implemented most of earlier changes and further tweaks. NO actual content change.
formatting changesupdated Agenda slides days 9+10
PPT to document concepts generated for project
Update the following slides:Slide 12 - Slido to understand students expectations on capstone.Slide 28/29 - Overview of Capstone Course.
Day 9/10 team Agenda block reduced to 30 minsDay 9/10 added 10 mins of CE reflection on Client Meeting 1
Removed daily reminders to download PlaybookModified formatting of Out of Class Task reminder slides
minor formatting, no material changes
Added new templates for Client MeetingsRemoved old client meeting template to not confuse students
changes based on today's several hours of meetings :)
small changes
Added the second documentation slide (#19).
formatting and content adjustments based on full PE meeting
Day 4 agenda shifted to FULL class discussion of Benchmarking
Some content pulled out of Playbook into Wiki - Needs & Reqs
Mark messed Aren up
schedule - adjust Day 6playbook - OneDrive now allowed for team documents, some content/flow cleanup
Update Jetson guide
many changes based on group PE meeting to iron out problems and smooth out changes