Removed Detailed Individual Design Report to avoid confusion
Update the criteria for Introduction in r790 to match with the instructions. Change the file name to match with the title of the appendix.
Added the BDR rurbric files for creating a fillable PDF rubrics.
Weights are added to criteria cells.
small format changes for readabilitymax font size shifted from 66 to 60 to match Wiki
Tweaks to Day 10 discussion of system Design report and DID AppendixUpdated due date
fixed typo on client meeting 1 ->2 on pg 139
Added the PDF version of Common Course Syllabus (v1.2).
The due dates of the System Design Report and Preliminary Peer Evaluation assignments were extended to 2/21 and 2/24, respectively.
formatting and grammar updates to clarify work required for S24 rollout
tweaked initialing of Post-It notes
Day 8 timing adjustedReflecting on Project plan removedmore time to Project planning intro
slides to better match the agenda
corrected duration for concept selection
Updated the fabrication space assignments for the spring of 2025.
updated dates on System Design Report
cleaned up EDN usage slide 97
updated EDN usage on Day 5
corrected my office location
Update slide 75 title to match Kahoot title
Updated Kanai's and Neti's sections.
updated to Spring 2025 dates
Added Agenda slide
Kahoot instructions clarified to 'team' rather than 'student'
- improved instructions and reference for Slido on Day 1- tweaked some wording on EDN expectations on Day 2
The CEs were updated on the slides for Sections 1 and 3.
Moved the teams assigned to Pod 1 to Pod 2 (or Pod 4) so they can see the screen.
slight timing adjustment on Day 1 activities
Added Section 3 BLE Mesh project to Team Meeting Spaces.pptx.
Uploaded the PDF version of Common Course Syllabus Ver.1.0.
Added the S25 meeting space assignments.
N&R expanded to Needs and Reqs on Day 9 agenda
slides added for Documentation + Participation Expectations
'secondary objectives' section removed
added Day 2 accountability slideupdated info on Day 1 find your seat slides
includes my feedback and has the detailed individual report merged in as an appendix, one per student. instructions IN the template.
Updated the assessment weightage as per the syllabus
spell check
Added a DRAFT Common Course Syllabus.docx for the S25 semester.
added slide 64 on participation expectations - 4 technical post/week
improved instructions for final vs midterm contentsreduced font size on finalremoved RPI 200 logo
slight grammar and formattingadded Accountability slide for Day 2
name change to encourage students to watch the video
Added an individual system evaluation rubric that is used as a part of a final design review presentation.
just sheet 2 of final design review rubric for clients
'sponsor' replaced by 'client'
Spring 25 playbook released!
Only change is wiped change log and updated dates for LEAP Team Building Retreat
name change to follow convention
tagging Playbook as it existed end of Fall 2024 semester
moving inactive rubrics
shifting older inactive rubrics used prior to F24
organizing and 'hiding' old inactive rubrics
Engineering Tools and Methods DELETED from Appendix
Appendices renumbered and titles changed to match template files [Checklist -> Worksheet]
Added Needs and Requirements Rubric with score fields in PDF and Excel.
Added the Excel version of Detailed Individual Design Report Rubric.
Added an Excel version of System Design Report Rubric.
added deeper description of Technical Challengesfont switched to Arial to match instructions elsewhere
Updated Client Meeting 3 Rubric.xlsx based on the Word version.
Added the Detailed Individual Design Report Rubric file.
Added the System Design Report Rubric.
Changed the section title of Inclusive Guideline to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity Guideline on page 4.
Added a link to the wiki page containing sample subsystem interface tables.Modified the table header.
Client Meeting 3 template and rubric updated for content and agreement
was accidentally saved in Master view
added mind map of concepts here and in the instructions. This is taught in IED
minor tweak to tell students to remove the instructions when done!
minor tweak
Fixed a couple spelling & typo issues
Returned (updated) instructions to template.
Added a fillable field for providing comments.
small tweaks to BDR slides
Added the BDR review form for guest reviewers.
minor formatting fixes to make it easier to enter info at top line and comments
Reordered BDR/system design report/DiD report instructions
added content about BDR content to end of Playbook.
modified slightly from PDR rubric version 480
formatting at end to generate more spacewent from 4 presenters to 3file & header name change
Added the fillable PDF version of the Client Meeting 2 Rubric file.
merged in an "extra" system deign slide
Updated the rubric for the F24 template file.
accepted all changes to give a clean starting point for the future. Previous version still has those if needed.
to better match the slide template
generated by listening to Aren's presentation, then finding examples & filling in details
now includes engineering standards
Corrected typographical errors.
Added a fillable PDF version of the Concept Generation & Selection Rubric.
same first page, added fill-in second page, same style as for IED
developed to match the current Concepts slide deck
Added the Excel version and fillable PDF version of Technical Progress and Project Management #1 rubrics.
Updated playbook slide 121 with the Slido exercise for project planning.
shifted System Design Report and DID introduction to Day 13
added safety training reminder on Day 7
changed color of schedule box on Day 5
reference do not count against 4-page limit
swap Kahoot in for Horse Race slide on Day 6
updated Day 5 Slido slide
Fixed broken hyperlinks.
it still mentioned the team poster
formatting and flow adjustments to Day 2reduced time to read description, added time to N&R development.
Added the PDF version of the Benchmarking Rubric file.
improved instructions to match Wiki
PE team simplified # of rows and improved language.