


Archiving past work

How do I "hide" or "archive" the previous semester's work

Issues and Gantt Chart

In general you don't really want to do this. What most teams are trying to accomplish is to reduce the number of outstanding issues to make it easier to see what's on their list of things to do / manage.

There is NOT one correct answer for all old issues, so they must be individually reviewed and dealt with. Good project management suggests that you really need to review all those old Open issues, make a determination of whether the item is still valid or not and then handle each one accordingly. Essentially you are re-planning the old work.

  1. If an item is really no longer needed, simply comment it as such and mark it Closed. If the work was not actually finished, DO NOT change the status to complete.
  2. If the item IS still active / important then you need to change the completion date to one more meaningful (from the current semester) and change the Assignee to a member of the current team. The priority might also need to be updated and the associated Version (Milestone) would certainly need to be updated.
  3. If the item as defined is not fully relevant but a new more appropriate item would be, then follow #1 above and simply create a brand new item with dates and names relevant to the current semester / team.

The Closed items will then no longer show on your list of Open issues but are still part of the project history. The items which are still Open will thus continue to appear on your team's Gantt Chart and Issues List so that you can manage them to completion.

Repository files

Subversion saves ALL versions of a file, but only displays the most recent copy. So there is really nothing to do. Filenames should not contain dates, semesters, version numbers, or individual names. The only visible file called "Needs and Requirements" will always be the latest, most complete copy. Simply make changes as necessary, and commit the file.