CESMII SM Platform¶
This platform is part of RPI's Smart Manufacturing initiative.
A training class on the platform was held in Fall 2020 and recorded.
For both of these links, the password is: smip
Day 1: https://cesmii.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/Core/EZ_u8-hEcoxHl6COzrkygQ0BFRkrjA7abcIXVcVQBSasXA?e=UyNaXu
Day 2: https://cesmii.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/Core/ES-uZ4SQw7BLjpghOrx2TlkBPVsjn6H1aIT7SDbQhgUNhA?e=QfuTBl
These are temporary links - expiration unknown. They will eventually be available in CESMI's Workforce Development system.