


Client EDN invite

Here is a suggested email that can be used for inviting our Clients / Mentors to join EDN:

Dear "Client/Mentor"

Thank you for sponsoring / mentoring our project!

As you may be aware, we use an online project space for communication, file sharing, and for our online "Electronic Design Notebook." You may have heard us refer to it informally as "EDN".

We invite you to register for accounts with this online project space, so you may view our progress, and so that you can share information directly in our design space. Please follow this link and click on "Register" in the top right-hand corner of the Design Lab project website.

Note that your web browser may warn you of an expired or invalid security certificate. We are aware of this issue -- it does not affect the security of the communications -- it is merely because we self-sign our certificate.

Once you have registered with the Design Lab's EDN project server, we will manually approve your account for access. Before approval, we check each individual email address, and then assign each person to the appropriate project. This yields a delay of about a day, in most cases, before you will be able to log in.

Once you have been approved, you will have access to all the same data as we do and may use it to communicate with us and share files. Most communication takes place in the forums portion of the project space (located under the "Forums" tab).

The XYZ team

Some Clients may follow closely along with the team throughout the semester. Others may prefer to simply attend Client Meetings and get information that way.
Providing direct links to content within the EDN is often a good way to share documents/files and discussions.