


Completing Issues

It is important to NOT set an issue as Ready to Close until the documentation has been completed! When completing an issue be sure to include information that explains how or why it got finished.

There are a number of ways to leave breadcrumbs to this information depending on where it is located on the EDN.


For information placed in the Wiki, include a link to the relevant page.



For information kept in the Repository, you can include a link to a particular committed version in the Repository (1st example below) or to the most recent version of the file (2nd example below).
The first is the "r" format where you use the letter r and a number to indicate the specific repository revision number as in "r1234" (1st example below). This will create a direct link to the files in that revision.
The second is the "source" format where you point to the file in the repository. This method will create a link that automatically/always points to the latest version of that file. The syntax is: source:path in your repo to the file which should be quoted as shown since your path usually includes blanks.


source:"template documents/After Hours Request.xlsx" 


For information in the Forums, you can include a quick fancy link to the forum thread (1st example below) or just copy the URL to a later reply (2nd example below).
(note Capstone Support has no Forums, so the examples below for a project you are not a member will be unreachable)
For the first, the 6-digit ID for the thread is the end of the URL.
For the second, you can hover over the 'RE:forum topic" and copy the direct URL.


Remember that once closed, an issue will not appear on the default view (which shows only "Open' issues), so information may get 'hidden'. It will still be discoverable via the EDN search box. There should always be a link or breadcrumb left as the issue is closed to lead to the location of the artifact justifying the completion of the task.