


Converting a Wiki page into a MS Word file

The Electronic Design Notebook's underlying software (Redmine) uses textile formatting as its mark up language. Pandoc is a command line tool for converting one document (markup) format to another. It can convert a wiki page into a MS Word file. This document briefly introduces the basic conversion steps. A full pandoc user guide is found at

Installing pandoc

Pandoc's home is If you are not using MS Windows, follow the installation instructions found at

For Windows, go to the download page from Click the button to download the latest installer. Note that the current installation package is pandoc-, as of July 7, 2021.

Run the installer and follow the instructions.

Preparation Method 1 - Copying a wiki page into a text file

Pandoc can include images in a wiki page into the corresponding MS Word file. Both the text file containing the wiki and the images must be in the same folder.

  • First time only: Create a working folder.
  • Prepare the wiki text file.
    • Open the EDN wiki page.
    • Chose the edit option.
    • Highlight and copy the contents.
    • Go back to the previous page or close the tab (page).
    • Under MS windows, open a Notepad.
    • Paste the contents.
    • Remove any unnecessary items, such as {{toc}}, in the file.
    • Save the file in the working folder. Make sure to choose UTF-8 from the Encoding option that is left of the Save option.
    • Close the Notepad.
  • If two or more wiki pages must be converted, repeat the above steps.
  • Down load image files that are at the bottom of wiki page and save them in the working folder.

Preparation Method 2 - Creating a html file containing sub-wiki pages

This method does not retain attachments but includes sub-wiki text contents. Thus, images must be manually inserted into a MS Word file later.

  • Prepare the wiki html file.
    • Open the top wiki page.
    • Click Index by Title that is in the right column near the top of the page.
    • Click HTML that is one of "Also available in" options at the bottom the page.
    • The html file is saved in your Downloads folder. Move the file to your working folder.

Generating a MS Word file

You can find detailed instructions at

  • For Windows 7, hold the Windows key and press r. In the Run windows, type cmd and press OK.
  • Optional: Check pandoc is installed by typing:
    pandoc --version
  • Move to the working folder using the "cd" command.
  • Generate a MS Word file from text files containing textile markups by typing:
    pandoc -f textile -o output_file.docx inputfile1 inputfile2 ... 
  • Generate a MS Word file from html files by typing:
    pandoc -f html -o output_file.docx inputfile1 inputfile2 ... 

Post Processing

The following tasks must be manually performed.

  • Common
    • Figure captions, table captions, and cross-references must be added as needed.
    • Image sizes may have to be adjusted.
    • If a complex table is not correctly converted, the problems must be manually corrected.
    • Citations must be added as needed.
    • Adjust heading levels as needed.
  • Text Method
    • Internal links, such as a link to a sub-wiki page, must be manually created by choosing an appropriate Heading using the Cross-reference.
  • HTML Method
    • Insert figure in the Word file.