Day 11 and beyond Agenda¶
Department Guided activities have ended !!¶
Primary purpose of remaining on-site meetings is team review and assessment of work already completed, especially with your PE and/or CE.
It is NOT productive to use on-site time for completing individual work.
These 4 hours of on-site meeting time may be the only available time for your FULL engineering team to meet. So it is recommended to use for group discussions.
Pro Forma Agenda¶
- Health / welfare check in
- Review of Last Meeting’s Action Items
- Current Team Problems / Challenges / Hurdles / Roadmap & Issues
- Impact to Needs & Requirements list
- Generate action items (Issues)
- Overall Team Status (using the EDN’s Roadmap)
- Generate action items
- CE interaction time
- Generate action items
- PE interaction time
- Generate action items
- Small Group Collaboration (as needed & time permits)
- Create Action Item list
- Item, owner, due date
- Identify agenda items for next meeting
- Post meeting minutes to EDN (by end of meeting)