



Although the Harpia project ( ) is no longer active, the tool was published in a 'final' form. It is supposed to work on Windows and Lunix but Mark Anderson has only used it on Ubuntu. On the Ubuntu platform it was included up to the 12.04 release at which point the Ubuntu team dropped it. The source for the final version (1.1) was still available at as of 4/1/2015.

Harpia is a Python program and provides a GUI for experimenting with image processing. It generates C code that calls OpenCV to do the actual processing.

As there is no suitable packaged release, Harpia must be installed and the dependencies resolved manually.

Ubuntu 12.04

On this platform, Mark Anderson was able to perform an installation with these steps. The package is NOT tested / verified in this environment and may still not work completely / correctly.


  • OpenCV has already been installed and is working
  • the gcc compiler and related build tools are already installed
  • Python >=2.6 is installed

Installation Steps

  • Download the source
  • extract to a folder
  • follow instructions in the readme file, basically: sudo python - this builds and installs the Harpia software ONLY!
  • There will likely be a missing dependency for 4Suite-XML. Try to install this using "sudo pip search 4Suite-XML"
    • This will probably fail!
    • Find the folder where the package was downloaded and cd into that. For me, this was: cd build/4Suite-XML
    • sudo python install
    • This should complete ok and finish installing the package
  • Harpia was build to look for files in a particular location which has now changed. Solve this by simply adding symbolic link:
    • # files used to be in /user/share/harpia and are NOW in /usr/local/share/harpia
    • sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/harpia /usr/share/harpia

At this point, Harpia can be launched using the command 'harpia'. The GUI should open. The installation can be verified by trying the examples ( on the menu, Help -> Examples).

Ubuntu 14.04

It is optimistic but untested that following the Ubuntu 12.04 steps will work on 14.04 with the same assumptions in place.

Changes to OpenCV may cause the compiling / linking operations to change over time. In fact the only changes from version 1 to 1.1 were adjustments to the Makefile that harpia generates. Python 3 may potentially require many changes and are not addressed here.