


My file is too large to put on EDN!

If you are attempting to attach one or more files and you exceed the 9.8 Mb size limit, there are a few different ways to proceed. In general, you can either post the file or files as an attachment to an issue, to a forum or to the wiki. Alternatively, you can place files in the projects' repository. You can then use a link to the file in your forum posting / wiki page / issue. EDN text formatting supports "r252" which will automatically create a link to revision 252. See the Subversion wiki page for information on how to use the repository.

In general, DO NOT compress files / folders to be placed in the repository - there should be no need to do so and it makes using / browsing the repository more challenging.

How to make files smaller

Microsoft Office files - PowerPoint (PPT) / Word (DOC/DOCX)

If you are using one of MS Office tools it is possible for the files to become large due to embedded graphics. This can be addressed by compressing the images in the file.
  1. Select a picture. Chose "Format" under "Picture Tools" in the tool bar.
  2. Select "Compress Picture".
  3. Un-check the box for 'Apply to only this picture'.
  4. Select the appropriate resolution for the images. Unless you need to show details, you can use the "Screen" or even "E-mail" option to achieve good results.

Multiple Files or a Single Large File

You can compress the files to reduce their size. It is possible to create a compressed "ZIP" file of a single file, multiple files or even an entire directory. Support for ZIP files is readily available in both Windows and LINUX. Please DO NOT use "RAR" format files as that is not built into Windows. Although free RAR support is available for Windows, many users do not have it or may not be aware of it. For the convenience of others, please use only the ZIP format.

Video Files - AVI Format

The AVI format is an uncompressed format resulting in relatively large files. To reduce the file size you can use a different storage format such as MPEG.