


MRC Purchasing

Materials Research Center (MRC) offers a number of material related services including: Electron Microscopy, Mechanical Testing, Metallography, NanoScale Characterization


  1. Fill out MRC Form (see below)
    1. Get estimate for time and cost by talking to appropriate Lab manager (ex: Craig Pine, Leo Chen)
    2. Identify student(s) who will use lab resources [User name, RIN, and RSC ID]
    3. Form must indicate that this is for the Design Lab, not one of the departments (e.g. MANE, ECSE, etc.)
  2. Get PE approval [Advisor/PI]
  3. Bring/send completed MRC Form to Valerie Masterson to get charge account information filled out [FOAPA]
  4. Bring form to MRC to perform the work.