


MATLAB and Simulink


The following licensed toolboxes for MATLAB and Simulink are available:

  • Aerospace: Aerospace blockset, Aerospace Toolbox
  • Bio: Bioinformatics Toolbox
  • Control: Control Toolbox, Robust Control Toolbox, Simulink Control Design, System Identification Toolbox,
  • Financial: Financial Toolbox
  • Image and Video Processing: Image Acquisition Toolbox, Image Processing Toolbox, Video and Image Blockset Toolbox,
  • Math: Statistics Toolbox, Symbolic Math Toolbox, Curve Fitting Toolbox
  • Pattern Recognition: Neural Network Toolbox, Neural Network Optimization Toolbox,
  • Real-Time: Data Acquisition Toolbox, Real-Time Workshop, XPC Target
  • Signal Processing: Signal Processing Toolbox,
  • Software Development: Database Toolbox, Mapping Toolbox (GIS), MATLAB Builder for DotNet, MATLAB Compiler, Virtual Reality Toolbox

Tutorials & Other Materials for Learning MATLAB


Installing 32bit MATLAB on a 64bit Windows platform

To install 32-bit MATLAB on 64-bit OS, follow the instructions you receive once you apply for your license here:

Then after you map the drive. You need to open these folders: \Software\matlab\[version]\win732\bin\win32
To then click on setup.exe. Then follow the same instructions.


The MATLAB coding style guidel (attachment:MatlabStyle1p5.pdf)was obtained from the Mathworks web site -

The markup up commands for publishing your MATLAB codes are found in

Other ways for preparing MATLAB documentation

Application Testing

For Fall 2013, we are now using MATLAB version R2013a. It includes a unit test framework.

Video Demo - Man pages -

Students should test their MATLAB codes using the framework.