


Phone Call Procedures

  • Calls internal to RPI - just dial the 4-digit extension number
  • Local calls outside of RPI (ex: Albany) - dial 9, then the 10-digit number (need the 518 as of mid 2018)
  • Long distance calls - dial 9, 1, then the area code, then the 7 digit number
    At this point, the phone will beep at you – it wants a long distance access code so it can properly charge the long distance call.
    Project Engineers (Aren Paster, Mark Anderson, Brad DeBoer, Mark Vermilyea, Darryl Michael, and James Olson) have the long distance access code, as does Prof. Junichi Kanai. When you have a scheduled conference call, ask one of them to come over and punch in the code for you.
  • Alternatively, the client can call campus
    • conference table in Design Lab (in the SE corner of JEC 3222): (518) 276-8758
    • conference room (JEC 3321) : (518) 276-2879
    • The two halves of the room ALSO have a phone jack built into the partition walls.
      • JEC 3332, West side: (518) 276-2499
      • JEC 3232, East side: (518) 276-8757