


RPI Fabrication Purchasing

On or Off Campus (Ex: Machine shop, 3D printing, rapid prototyping, Physical Facilities, Computer Store, etc.)

  1. Have your PE review the design PE-Purchasing .
  2. Meet, as needed, with Sam Chiappone to review plans (JEC 3100A, phone: x8295, e-mail: ). Bring all necessary drawings to the meeting with Sam. Sam will help you obtain a quote for services.
  3. Follow the appropriate process for service chosen
    1. For rapid prototype - Rapid_Prototyped_Part_Process
    2. For machining, laser and water jet cutting - Shop_Fabricated_Part_Process.
    3. For other services - Obtain Capstone Design Purchase Form - file attached at bottom of this page or hard copy from Valerie Masterson (her office is in the back of Design Lab).
  4. Complete the Purchase Form with all necessary information including an approximate cost for all items/services that will be utilized and the contact information of the person in charge of the respective campus service.
  5. Have PE review design and drawings - sign purchase form and initial drawings.
  6. If you have not done so, obtain approval signature from Sam Chiappone (JEC 3100A) for on or off campus manufacturing, rapid prototyping, machine shop, or physical facilities services.
  7. Work done on campus will not be done without the signature of your Project Engineer and Valerie Masterson.
  8. Submit completed form with quote to Valerie Masterson. She will give you the account numbers you will need to process the order. Please request that the service provider sends a copy of the bill to the attention of Valerie Masterson, O.T. Swanson Design Lab, JEC 3232 with the project name noted on the invoice.