


Reflecting on your New Project Plan

Your project plan is not a separate document! It is represented by the Issues list and the Gantt Chart view here on the EDN. The Gantt Chart is just a visualization of the Issues list - it is not a separate thing!


Now that your team has created and visualized your project plan by defining the issues (tasks) and versions (milestones), it's appropriate to pause and reflect on the process and the results. Later, you will be reviewing your Gantt Chart for the purpose of managing your project. Guidance for that review can be found at Reviewing your Gantt Chart.

With your CE and/or PE, the team should consider the following as discussion items. Consider the following questions ....

With respect to the process:

  1. How did the process go and why?
  2. How difficult was it for everyone to have a chance to contribute? Why?
  3. How evenly did the team distribute the work of identifying issues? Why?
  4. How did you resolve differences of opinion? Why?
  5. What suggestions about the process do you have to help the team move forward?

With respect to the results:

  1. How well does the Gantt Chart represent the project plan as you know it today?
  2. What might be missing / incomplete?
  3. How comfortable are you that the plan, if followed successfully, will help you achieve success? Why?
  4. Overall, how well do the issues address the elements of SMART (S pecific, M easurable, A ttainable, R easonable, and T imely)
  5. What suggestions about the plan do you have to help the team move forward?

Note - all teams generally feel a large amount of uncertainty, which is normal!


Based on this team reflection, you are encouraged to ADJUST and MODIFY the issues and plan to ensure project success.