


Roles and Responsibilities

Project Engineer / Project Mentor

The Project Engineer for a team is responsible for leading the team through the day-to-day activities and providing overall guidance. The Project Engineer acts as a facilitator to guide the students toward resources either on or off-campus as appropriate.

The Project Engineer will provide feedback to the Chief Engineer for student & team evaluations.

Chief Engineer / Project Evaluator

The Chief Engineer for a team is responsible for evaluating the students' performance both as a team and as individuals. The Chief Engineer also may provide technical support and/or may help arrange support from other faculty members.

Teaching Assistants

The teaching assistants are available as additional resources to the student project team. Their varied skills may be helpful to certain aspects of Capstone projects. They are also qualified to supervise the Fabrication space after hours to ensure a safe working environment. Be sure to follow the After Hours Policy when arranging for additional lab time.

Support Team

The Design Lab includes a number of RPI staff members to support project team activities.