


Text formatting in EDN

When editing a Forum post, Issue, or wiki page there is a Help link just above the text box - a small question mark in a blue circle. That will open a short information page. It has a link to even more information. And on the site there is a portion of it's wiki dedicated to this as well:

The following are the most commonly used formatting tricks for Capstone. Note that there are spaces after the formatting characters.

* text1 - bulleted list of "text1" 
** texts - sub bullet indented from "text1" 

# text - numbered list of "1. text" 
# more text - second numbered entry "2. more text" 
## text - indented numbered item "    1. text" 

h1. Header level 1
h2. Header level 2
h3. Header level 3
Be sure to leave a blank line after these heading commands or the next line will also be in this format! Preview is your friend!

* #124 - clickable link to issue number 124

* message#1224 - clickable link to forum message number 1224 - will display message title

* r124 - clickable link to repository version 124

* export:"working/Engineering Design/needs and requirements workbook.xlsx" would link to the needs and requirements spreadsheet in the repository. 
NOTE that the double quotes are required because there is a space in the path / file name. Also note that once saved, those quotes won't show up!

<pre>One or more lines of Code Here</pre> will let you insert multiple lines of code with the formatting retained.

* - requires NO extra syntax and automatically provides that link to an external web page

* [[Wiki Page Name]] - creates a link to that page in your team's wiki. Visiting a new page automatically puts you in the editor to create content.

* %{color:red}red colored text% - colored text

* %{background:yellow}Yellow Background% - black text on a yellow background


We recommend that you use the Preview feature to see what your post will look like BEFORE you save it as it can NOT be edited later.