


Tracking EDN Changes

Watching EDN Updates

EDN supports the concept of "Watching" updates to your project. It is fairly granular - meaning that you can choose to watch individual things that you are particularly interested in rather than needing to watch and see "everything". Look for the "Watch" link at the top of wiki pages.

On Issues you are automatically set as a watcher for any issue you create. You can also add other team members as watchers when you create a new issue. When viewing an issue that you did not create, you can choose to watch/unwatch the issue by clicking that link near the top of the page. When viewing an existing issue you cannot add other team members as watchers.

For Forum posts, you can add yourself as a watcher but can not add someone else.

RSS Feeds

EDN also supports RSS Feeds. You can subscribe to your project with your favorite RSS reader and be automatically provided with updates on project activity. On some pages this is shown as "RSS" on others it appears as "Atom" which is an alternate type of news feed. To get the best overall view of your project, subscribe to the RSS feed on the Activity tab. For the RSS feed, update entries seem to be considered using the time of creation, rather than the time they were last replied to. Therefore, if someone has just replied to an item, it will not move to the top of your RSS feed.

Email Notifications

The EDN system will notify you of changes within your project's EDN via emails to your RPI account.
Click 'My Account' in the top right and choose from the 7 levels of notification offered:
  • For any events on all my project - you are only member of one project.
    • For a student this might generate 0-15 emails/day
    • EDN will PUSH all updates to you
  • 4 levels of granularity in between
  • No events
    • This will generate 0 emails/day
    • You will have to PULL whatever updates you require to keep up to date with the project.

Regardless of your choice, you are responsible to have a ROUGH idea of where the whole project is and a CLEAR idea of your individual responsibility and task status