


Typical Home Page

  • Create a separate page for your contact information and link to that from the home page.
  • Create a separate page for generally useful reference information such as web page links and other data. Be sure to CITE YOUR SOURCES when you do this so that you can trace back to where you obtained the information.
  • Keep the home page "clean" with links to other pages as needed.
  • Try to keep pages focused on a single topic. That way you can link to that topic from anywhere in your wiki.
  • Do NOT use the home page as a place to capture documents! Use the repository, attach to issues, post to the forum, or create more appropriate wiki pages to store documents.

We recommend that each project team put at least the following on their wiki's home page, changing the information below to match their project:

Note that the below is provided as text that you can simply copy & paste into your own wiki.

h1. Quick Links

* [[capstone-support-dev:|Course Documents / Main Wiki]]
* [[capstone-support-dev:Subversion|Subversion Usage]]
** Our repository name is
** To checkout from the svn repository using the command line interface:
svn checkout

h2. Contacts

Team contact information can be found [[Team contacts|here]].

h2. Useful Web Links

The team has collected a number of helpful web links [[Web Links|here]].

What the 'code' above looks like:

Quick Links


Team contact information can be found here.

Useful Web Links

The team has collected a number of helpful web links here.