


Useful Equipment Around Campus

Materials Engineering

Unless indicated otherwise, all equipment must be used with graduate student or staff supervision. The names in parenthesis indicate the primary contact for inquiries regarding use of the equipment.

  • Tube furnaces (Lewis, Ozisik)
  • Polymer gas diffusion measurement (Ozisik)
  • Polymer melt spinning (Ozisik)
  • Polymer extrusion (Ozisik)
  • Thermo-mechanical analysis (Ozisik)
  • High temperature differential thermal analysis (Lewis)
  • Polymer compression molding
  • Standard MRC Student Laboratories : use authorization form (see below)
    • Electron microscopy (MRC 166 : ??)
    • Mechanical testing (MRC 121 : Craig Pine )
      • hardness
      • Instron machine
      • rolling mill
    • Metallography Lab (MRC 257 : Craig Pine )
      • Optical Microscopy
      • Sample potting, sectioning, and polishing
    • NanoScale Characterization Core (MRC 148/168)
      • X-ray diffraction

Machining / Fabricating

  • Design Lab Fabrication Space (JEC 2232, Prof Kanai)
  • Student Machine Shop (JEC 1010, John Szczesniak)
  • RPI Forge (CII 2037A)
    • membership required
    • 3D printers, vinyl cutter, laser cutter, electronics workstation, etc...
    • also a gateway to other campus resources
  • Architecture Woodshop (Greene Building Room #014, Bill Bergman)

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