


Why not use Git

Most students have never used any version control tool before taking Capstone Design. Thus, Subversion (SVN) is favored because of its simplicity. SVN requires less steps to upload a file to an existing remote repository than git does.

New Files
  • SVN: add -> commit
  • Git: add -> commit -> push
Modified Files
  • SVN: commit (Note: It is not necessary to "add" already tracked files.)
  • Git: add -> commit -> push

Hence, there is very little chance for students to accidentally not upload files to the team's repository using SVN.

In addition, a centralized repository is sufficient for capstone design projects because of team sizes. Furthermore, teams almost never use advanced features, such as branch and merge, to manage their development efforts.

Note: TALK to your Project Engineer before expending any effort on non-SVN repositories. This MUST be a TEAM decision, as maintaining two different repositories for a single project negates all the value of a version controlled system.
Preliminary instruction for Git use on a Capstone project.