Static Code Metrics Report

The static code metrics report provides statistics of the generated code. Metrics are estimated from static analysis of the generated code using the C data types specified in the Hardware: char 8, short 16, int 32, long 32, float 32, double 64, pointer 64 bits. Actual object code metrics might differ due to target specific compiler and platform settings.

Table of Contents

  1. File Information
  2. Global Variables
  3. Function Information

1. File Information [hide]

[-] Summary

Number of .c files : 6  
Number of .h files : 8  
Lines of code : 466  
Lines : 880  

[-] File details

File Name Lines of Code Lines Generated On
rtwtypes.h 95 162 03/30/2016 2:23 PM
rtGetInf.c 92 142 03/30/2016 2:23 PM
myMult.c 76 109 03/30/2016 2:23 PM
rtGetNaN.c 63 100 03/30/2016 2:23 PM
rt_nonfinite.c 43 101 03/30/2016 2:23 PM
rt_nonfinite.h 37 56 03/30/2016 2:23 PM
rtGetInf.h 10 26 03/30/2016 2:23 PM
myMult.h 9 28 03/30/2016 2:23 PM
myMult_initialize.h 8 27 03/30/2016 2:23 PM
myMult_terminate.h 8 27 03/30/2016 2:23 PM
rtGetNaN.h 8 24 03/30/2016 2:23 PM
myMult_initialize.c 7 29 03/30/2016 2:23 PM
myMult_terminate.c 6 29 03/30/2016 2:23 PM
myMult_types.h 4 20 03/30/2016 2:23 PM

2. Global Variables [hide]

Global variables defined in the generated code.
Global Variable Size (bytes) Reads / Writes Reads / Writes in a Function
     rtInf 8 2  1 
     rtMinusInf 8 2  1 
     rtNaN 8 1  1 
     rtInfF 4 2  1 
     rtMinusInfF 4 2  1 
     rtNaNF 4 1  1 
Total 36 10 

3. Function Information [hide]

View function metrics in a call tree format or table format. Accumulated stack numbers include the estimated stack size of the function plus the maximum of the accumulated stack size of the subroutines that the function calls.
View:Call Tree | Table
Function Name Accumulated Stack Size (bytes) Self Stack Size (bytes) Lines of Code Lines Complexity
      myMult 44 44 70 79 14
[+]  myMult_initialize 44 0 1 4 1
      myMult_terminate 0 0 0 4 1
      rtIsInf 0 0 1 4 2
      rtIsInfF 0 0 1 4 2
      rtIsNaN 0 0 5 14 2
      rtIsNaNF 0 0 5 14 2