


485 anderm8

1 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:00:03.749 --> 00:00:09.689
We are going to create a wiki page. We're capturing our team contact information.

2 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:00:10.014 --> 00:00:11.634
Starting in our project,

3 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:00:24.444 --> 00:00:26.934
495 anderm8
we're going to create a wiki page in our
485 anderm8
4 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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Team project to be able to capture team contact information.

5 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
Go to the wiki. If this is a 1st semester project, then the wiki page is likely to be empty as it is here. We're going to create
485 anderm8
6 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
a link, we're gonna call it "Team.
485 anderm8
7 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
Info". Links are simply words with the name of the page you're going to create
485 anderm8
8 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
surrounded by the square brackets. Doing this will create a
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9 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
link to a page called team info. If you have an existing project
485 anderm8
10 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
and there isn't already such a link, simply add it. I'm going to save this page.
485 anderm8
11 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
Now, when I click on this link, see, it becomes underscored,
485 anderm8
12 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
highlighted rather, and its trying to now take me to the team info page, which is currently empty. We're going to create a place here for the current team. If there's existing teams, simply mimic this process, creating a new section for your team.
485 anderm8
13 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
Period will create a new header level will use Spring
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14 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
who are 23 as the name of the semester.
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15 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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I'm leaving a blank line after the headings and now we're going to create a table.

16 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
We need 5 vertical bars, 12345.
485 anderm8
17 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
In the 1st, 1, we're going to call this the name column the next one we're going to call the major.
485 anderm8
18 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
The next column will be the email - we want the RPI email.
485 anderm8
19 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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And this will be the phone number so the 1st student will create this.

20 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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And then the 1st student will put in their own contact information. So again, 5, vertical bars 12345.

21 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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And the 1st pair will put my name.

22 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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My email address. Oops, I forgot to put my major.

23 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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I need to create a vertical bar here and put in.

24 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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I need to go to the end and delete a vertical bar because we still need a total of 5 vertical bars.

25 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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The vertical bars separate the columns.

26 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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So, after phone number in this field, I will put my phone number, which is 207, 33 campus extension.

27 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
And then the person who goes 1st
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28 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
can create 1234512345.
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29 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
123 and 4 or 5, et cetera blank rows for their teammates
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30 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
to simply fill in. Oops.
485 anderm8
31 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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495 anderm8
Like, that. That's more than enough rows for most teams, and then we can preview it to make sure that it's formatted correctly.
485 anderm8
32 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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And it did if there were a problem or a change needed, we go back to edit, make those necessary changes. I see I have an extra space here, but.

33 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:03:23.190 --> 00:03:28.800
That's harmless, but since it all looks good, I'm going to scroll to the bottom and click save.

34 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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And there, we have the team information page. We're going to go back to the wiki.

35 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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See that we have 1 entry click on the 1 entry.

36 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
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And confirm that the team info page is here and correct.