



1 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:00:05.279 --> 00:00:11.279
We are now going to show how to create a new forum post. This is going to be for the questions developed and.

2 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:00:11.279 --> 00:00:14.759
For class 2, so we're going to create that.

3 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:00:14.759 --> 00:00:25.800
In the background information forms, we go to forums, we find that the form named background information you can see general information needed at the start. Okay. Click on the link.

4 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:00:25.800 --> 00:00:29.010
We'll create or show you the empty form.

5 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:00:29.010 --> 00:00:36.330
To create a new message in the forum, we're going to simply click the new message button. We're going to give it a meaningful subject class.

6 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:00:36.330 --> 00:00:45.270
2 questions and answers I have that existing, so I can reuse it. And then this.

7 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:00:45.270 --> 00:00:48.990
Fred will be to capture.

8 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:00:48.990 --> 00:00:53.940
The questions and they're.

9 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:00:53.940 --> 00:00:57.300
The answers.

10 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:00:57.300 --> 00:01:00.720
We can preview it and make sure it looks okay before we save it.

11 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:01:00.720 --> 00:01:04.620
When we've made sure that it's the way we want it to be, we hit create.

12 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:01:04.620 --> 00:01:09.060
And that creates the 1st message in the new threat.

13 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:01:09.060 --> 00:01:13.020
New messages can then be edited by hitting reply.

14 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:01:13.020 --> 00:01:18.660
Each team member then will change the subject to be my whatever their question topic is.

15 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:01:21.180 --> 00:01:27.420
And then place the question here in the so called body.

16 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:01:27.420 --> 00:01:32.160
Again, you can preview it to make sure that it looks correct in case you use formatting.

17 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:01:33.180 --> 00:01:36.420
I'll show you some of the quick format of things and star makes the bullets.

18 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:01:37.590 --> 00:01:40.920
Pound side makes a number of bullets.

19 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:01:45.630 --> 00:01:50.220
This will be bold text.

20 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:01:50.220 --> 00:01:53.430
I like the text, they use the menu item.

21 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:01:53.430 --> 00:02:01.080
For bold, and that's about all we need at this point in terms of the formatting.

22 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:02:01.080 --> 00:02:06.810
So, with that, I'll preview it and you'll see, we have a bullet. We have a numbered bullets.

23 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:02:06.810 --> 00:02:12.330
This is numbered under here because I put them with no space in between if I separate them.

24 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:02:12.330 --> 00:02:17.700
And now preview it I see, I have 2 lists created 1 that has bullets 1 that has numbers.

25 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:02:17.700 --> 00:02:26.340
Let me just add to that new stores makes an indented bullet.

26 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:02:29.190 --> 00:02:37.500
Number of text the same idea like, so.

27 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:02:37.500 --> 00:02:41.340
2 lists bulleted numbered preview.

28 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:02:41.340 --> 00:02:44.460
But I bought indented number number indented.

29 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:02:44.460 --> 00:02:48.420
And that's it everything looks the way I want it to be. I will submit.

30 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:02:48.420 --> 00:02:53.160
My question the rest of the team majors members, rather each simply contribute.

31 "Anderson, Mark" (2315144448)
00:02:53.160 --> 00:03:00.540
Their questions and answers by hitting the reply button, do make sure you change the message topic so that it's clear what each of them refers to.