root/OptimizingMATLABCode/Truss/visualizeParamSweep.m @ 10
10 | anderm8 | function visualizeParamSweep(varargin)
% Visualize Parameter Sweep Output
% Usage:
% visualizeParamSweep(nVals, aVals, peakVals)
% visualizeParamSweep(jobOutput)
% Inputs:
% nVals: vector or matrix of number of segements
% aVals: vector or matrix of areas
% peakVals: matrix that represents the peak deflection at each
% corresponding point of nVals and aVals
% jobOutput: cell array containing the outputs fetched from a batch job
% with paramSweepParallel or clusterBatch
% Plotter for ODE parameter sweep example
% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
if nargin == 3
% Three input
nVals = varargin{1};
aVals = varargin{2};
peakVals = varargin{3};
elseif nargin == 1
% Job output as a cell array
jobOutput = varargin{1}; % extract job
assert(iscell(jobOutput),'jobOutput is expected to be a cell');
% Extract pieces from job
nVals = jobOutput{1};
aVals = jobOutput{2};
peakVals = jobOutput{3};
error('One or Three inputs expected');
% Build figure and surface of peakVals
surf(nVals, aVals, peakVals)
% Label it and set viewing angle
xlabel('Number of horizontal Segments')
ylabel('Area of Cross Section')
zlabel('Maximum Y deflection')
title('Peak Value of Cantilever Deflection', ...
'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16, 'FontWeight', 'Bold')
view(50, 30)