


%% Improving Model Accuracy by Evaluating Architecture & Feature Choices
% Most of the predictive models discussed here have numerous parameters
% that can be selected to tweak the model to improve its performance for a
% particular problem. Selecting the right features is also a very important
% step in the machine learning workflow. This script explores methods of
% making these decisions

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Start with the Bagged Decision Tree model

% Import data
faultData = importFaultData('faultData.xlsx');
faultData.Fault = categorical(faultData.Fault);
names =faultData.Properties.VariableNames;

% Filter data
faultData(faultData.Fault == 'lost',:) = [];
faultData(faultData.Fault == 'moved',:) = [];
faultData.Fault = removecats(faultData.Fault);

X = table2array(faultData(:,1:end-1));
Y = faultData.Fault;
retrain = true;
opts = statset('UseParallel', true);
tbL = TreeBagger(100,X,Y,'method','classification',...

%% Estimating a Good Ensemble Size for Bagged Classification Trees
% Because each tree in the bag is trained on a subset of the training data,
% the out-of-bag observations can be used to estimate the out of sample
% misclassification rate of the tree. Examining the out-of-bag error may
% give an insight into determining a good ensemble size.

plot(oobError(tbL)); grid on;
xlabel('Number of Grown Trees');
ylabel('Out-of-Bag Classification Error/Misclassification Probability');

%% Estimating Feature Importance
% Feature importance measures the increase in prediction error if the
% values of that variable are permuted across the out-of-bag observations.

[~,idxvarimp] = sort(tbL.OOBPermutedVarDeltaError, 'ascend');
title('Out-Of-Bag Feature Importance');
xlabel('Relative Feature Importance Score');
set(gca,'YTick',1:length(names)-1,'YTickLabel', names(idxvarimp), 'XGrid', 'on');

%% Sequential Feature Selection
% Feature selection reduces the dimensionality of data by selecting only a
% subset of measured features (predictor variables) to create a model.
% Selection criteria involves the minimization of a specific measure of
% predictive error for models fit to different subsets. In this case we try
% to find the best feature group that minimizes the sum of false positive
% and false negative rates.
% Sequential feature selection can be computationally intensive. It can
% benefit significantly from parallel computing.

gcp; % open a pool of workers

opts = statset('display','iter','UseParallel','always','TolFun',1e-2);

% keepin forces those columns to be used
% use our cv partition object with 3-fold cross validation

[fs,~] = sequentialfs(@featureTest,X,Y,...
% Display