


function Tdummy = dummytable(T)
% Tdummy = dummytable(T) - convert categorical variables in table to dummy
% variables
% This functions takes the categorical variables in a table and converts
% them to separate dummy variables with intelligent names. This way they
% can be used in the Classification Learner App and the variable names make
% sense for feature selection, etc.
% Usage:
% Tdummy = dummytable(T)
% Inputs:
% T: Table with categoricals or categorical variable
% Outputs:
% Tdummy: T with categorical variables turned into dummy variables with
% intelligent names
% Example:
% % Simple Table
% T = table(rand(10,1),categorical(cellstr('rbbgbgbbgr'.')),...
% 'VariableNames',{'Percent','Color'});
% disp(T)
% % Turn it into a dummy table
% Tdummy = dummytable(T);
% disp(Tdummy)
% See Also: dummyvar, table, categorical, classificationLearner

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Sean de Wolski Apr 13, 2014

% Error checking
validateattributes(T,{'categorical', 'table'},{},mfilename,'T',1);
% If it's a categorical, do out best to convert it to a table with an
% intelligent variable name
if iscategorical(T)
% Try to use existing variable name
cname = inputname(1);
if isempty(cname)
% It's a MATLAB Expression, default to Var1
cname = 'Var1';
T = table(T,'VariableNames',{cname});
% Identify categoricals and their names
cats = varfun(@iscategorical,T,'OutputFormat','uniform');
% Short circuit if there are no categoricals
if ~any(cats)
Tdummy = T;
% Store everything in a cell. w will be the total width of the table
% with each variable dummyvar'd
w = nnz(~cats)+sum(varfun(@(x)numel(categories(x)),T(:,cats),'OutputFormat','uniform'));
% Preallocate storage
datastorage = cell(1,w);
namestorage = cell(1,w);
% Engine
idx = 0; % Start nowhere in cell
for ii = 1:width(T)
idx = idx+1;
% Loop over table deciding what to do with each variable
if cats(ii)
% It's a categorical,
% Extract it and build keep its categories and dummyvar
Tii = T{:,ii};
categoriesii = categories(Tii)';
ncatii = numel(categoriesii); % How many?

% Build dummy var as a row cell with columns in each
dvii = num2cell(dummyvar(Tii), 1); % Dummy var then cell
% Build names
namesii = strcat(T.Properties.VariableNames{ii}, '_', categoriesii);
% Insert
datastorage(idx:(idx+ncatii-1)) = dvii;
namestorage(idx:(idx+ncatii-1)) = namesii;
% Increment
idx = idx+ncatii-1;
% Extract non categorical into current storage location
datastorage{idx} = T{:,ii};
namestorage(idx) = T.Properties.VariableNames(ii);
% Build Tdummy with comma separated list expansion
Tdummy = table(datastorage{:},'VariableNames',matlab.lang.makeValidName(namestorage));
