root/OptimizingMATLABCode/blockAvgEx/logicalIndex.m @ 11
10 | anderm8 | function logicalIndex
%% Logical Indexing
% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
% This is an example of how to do some logical indexing --
% how you can vectorize code that might use an nested for loop
% and an if statement.
%% Finding elements using logical matrices
% " While most indices are numeric, indicating a certain row or column
% number, logical indices are positional. That is, it is the position of
% each 1 in the logical matrix that determines which array element is
% being referred to "
N = 4000;
A = magic(N);
A2 = magic(N);
A3 = magic(N);
thresh = 1e6;
%% Using an if and a nested for loop
% In this example we want to find all values that are over myRef.
% This is how we do that in a nested for loop with an if-statement:
ix = 1;
vals = zeros(numel(A),1);
for jj = 1:N
for ii = 1:N
if A(ii,jj) > thresh
vals(ix) = A(ii,jj);
ix = ix + 1;
vals(ix:end) = [];
%% Using the find Function
% "The find function determines the indices of array elements that meet
% a given logical condition. It returns the indices in the form of linear
% indexing " !
% myIndex = find(A2 > thresh);
% display(myIndex(1:3))
vals2 = A2(find(A2 > thresh));
%% Using logical indexing
vals3 = A3(A3 > thresh);
%% Assert same answer
assert(isequal(vals,vals2,vals3),'Values aren''t equal!');
% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.