%% Demo script for Cell Tower Optimization Problem
% This demo illustrates how you would set up and solve an optimization
% problem (constrained non-linear minimization).
% The problem is to determine the locations of # cell towers, each having
% various coverage radius, so that there is maximum coverage, or minimum
% overlap. It is a constrained optimization problem because the cell towers
% are constrained to lie within a boundary. It is a non-linear optimization
% problem because of the non-linear objective function (overlap area as a
% function of # cell tower locations).
% The demo is designed to show the key steps in setting up and solving an
% optimization problem. The details of the problem can be omitted by using
% predefined objective and plotting functions.
% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
%% Define parameters
towers = 40; % number of towers
side = 15; % dimension of piece of land (one side)
seed = 5; % seed for random initial condition (not relavent to optimization
% Shutting down the pool in case one is accidentially left open
p = gcp('nocreate');
if ~isempty(p)
%% Define initial conditions
% |celltowersetup.m| sets up the initial conditions:
% dimensions.R : radius of cell tower coverage
% dimensions.xL : 0 % for plotting
% dimensions.xU : side % for plotting
% dimensions.yL : 0 % for plotting
% dimensions.yU : side % for plotting
% lb : lower bound values for x, y (based on the radius)
% ub : upper bound values for x, y (based on the radius)
% x0 : initial center points (x, y pairs)
[dimensions,lb,ub,x0] = helper.celltowersetup(towers,side,seed);
%% Run the following optimization
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = helper.myOptim(x0,lb,ub,dimensions); %#ok<ASGLU>
t1 = toc;
fprintf('Elapsed time is %0.2f seconds.\n', t1);
%% Run with Pool
% Open pool of workers. Re-run the optimization routine to see the speedup.
% Pool will open by default, to manually open a pool...
p = parpool(2); % open pool
parallel = 1; % set to 1 to trigger 'useparallel','always'
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = helper.myOptim(x0,lb,ub,dimensions,parallel);
t2 = toc;
fprintf('Elapsed time is %0.2f seconds.\n', t2);
%% Summary visualization
% If you added the custom output function |myOutputFcn| in Optim GUI, you
% can get a summary visualization:
fprintf('Speed up (time serial / time parallel): %0.2f\n', t1/t2);
%% Close Pool