% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Last Edited: Sean de Wolski, 05/24/2013
function blockAvgRedo2(Nx,Ny,Nxavg,Nyavg)
%% Example 1, Redo 2
% Input values Nx, Ny = 1500, Nxavg, Nyavg = 25;
% Want to create a surface and look at it averaged over a
% a particular resolution
if ~nargin
Nx = 1500;
Ny = 1500;
Nxavg = 25;
Nyavg = 25;
%% Initial Parameter Values
Lx = 10; % Length of x dimension
Ly = 10; % Length of y dimension
x = linspace(1,Lx,Nx); % Creating x vector
y = linspace(1,Ly,Ny); % Creating y vector
%% Setting up values of surface on grid
% Precomputation of inputs
[ygrid,xgrid] = meshgrid(y,x);
mysurf = 5*cos((xgrid+ygrid)*2*pi)+...
%% Averaging values over the grid
% Average x and y positions
xavg = x(Nxavg:Nxavg:Nx) - 0.5*(x(Nxavg)-x(1));
yavg = y(Nyavg:Nyavg:Ny) - 0.5*(y(Nyavg)-y(1));
% Cropping and reshaping and summing
newX = (1:floor(Nx/Nxavg)*Nxavg); % removing excess points
newY = (1:floor(Ny/Nyavg)*Nyavg); % not used in averaging
mysurf_avg = sum(reshape(mysurf(newX,newY),Nxavg,[]));
mysurf_avg = reshape((1/Nxavg)* mysurf_avg,floor(Nx/Nxavg),[]);
mysurf_avg = sum(reshape(mysurf_avg',Nyavg,[]));
mysurf_avg = reshape((1/Nyavg)* mysurf_avg,floor(Ny/Nxavg),[])';
%% Plotting the results to compare
ax(1) = subplot(2,1,1);
title('Original Function');
axis off
ax(2) = subplot(2,1,2);
title('Averaged Function');
axis off