Revision 679
Added by Mark Anderson 8 months ago
training/EDN Guidance for Postings and Wiki Source Materials/Creating a Wiki Page (OpenShot).osp | ||
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training/EDN Guidance for Postings and Wiki Source Materials/ReadMe.txt | ||
How I did this - by Mark
I used the Microsoft Video Editor, seems to be part of Photos, included in Win 10.
I used the Microsoft Voice Recorder app to capture sound for each of the slides. One file per slide since this tool does not include sound manipulation tools.
I used Webex to start my personal meeting space, shared Firefox of the EDN and recorded to my local PC. That produced an MP4 video of the screen share with my video feed above it. Thus there is a talking head for this method.
I used PowerPoint to create the slides and to save them as a jpeg per slide.
I then dragged the slide jpegs and the Webex video into the Video editor.
In the editor, I dragged the slides and video onto the time line.
I added two title slides. On the time line, dragged the second one to the end of the video as a trailer.
I clicked on each slide and then added "custom audio" using appropriate sound clip.
I adjusted durations of the slides to match the sound. This is not done automatically as in other editors.
I selected the video then used Trim to chop off the "dear air" at the start.
I then used "Split" to divide the video into the demo of the first and second parts.
I then dragged the second half of the split to be after the corresponding slide.
After playing it through and when I finished edits, I then clicked Finish Video and saved that with the right file name, using the defaults.
I then "archived" it so that all the pieces were stored and could be re-opened again if future edits were needed. That created a single archive file. For "Belt and Suspenders" I also manually created folders for all the source material.
I then committed everything to the repo!
training/EDN Guidance for Postings and Wiki Source Materials/forum postings nominal script.txt | ||
How to create a forum post
Go to Forums tab
Select the desired forum. Note that each has a description of what should generally be placed in the forum
Click the New Message button
Give it a meaningful subject
Provide the details in the body of the message
You can Browse to find a file if you need to attach one.
Preview the message to ensure it looks as you expected. If not, you cn click on the Edit button to make changes.
When you are satisfied with the message, click Create to post the message.
To add a message to the thread, click the Reply button
Update the subject to specify what your response is about
Add the message body as before
Note the Edit menu items that let you make Bold items, bullets and numbered bullets, the primary formatting we regularly use.
Use the Preview and Edit buttons to help you finalize the message.
Use the Submit button to add your reply.
Also available in: Unified diff
new generic videos for making forum and wiki posts