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Revision 685

Added by Allen Xie 7 months ago

Update the gpio test script for RPi for use with the board

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Software files/Raspberry Pi/
# Print introductory information
print("Hello! Welcome to the Capstone RPi GPIO test program.")
print("This program will either light an LED, or read a button input.")
print("The wiring instructions are given later in the program.")
print("To get a pinout of the Raspberry Pi, run the command \"pinout\" in the" +
" terminal.")
print("This program is meant to be used with the Design Lab MCU tester.")
print("To get a pinout of the Raspberry Pi, run the command \"pinout\" in " +
"the terminal.")
print("Plug a 3.3V power pin into the tester's VCC header.")
print("Plug a ground pin into the tester's GND header.")
print("Plug the pin to be tested into the tester's pin header.")
print("Turn the potentiometer all the way counter-clockwise.")
print("Note that to test say GPIO4, or pin 7, use the number 4 in this" +
" program.")
print("Picking either input or output would lock you in an infinite loop.")
print("Once you are satisfied, Ctrl-C to exit out of this script.\n")
print("Once you are satisfied, Ctrl-C to exit out of this script\n")
# Does user want to test input by reading a button or output by lighting an LED
print("Are you testing input or output? Please type \"input\" or \"output\"")
# Ctrl-C to exit
while True:
option = input()
if option == "input" or option == "output":
print("Please type \"input\" or \"output\"")
# Testing lighting an LED
if option == "output":
# Get pin number that user wants to test
# Does user want to test input or output?
print("Are you testing input or output?")
print("Please type \"input\" or \"output\": ")
while True:
output_pin = int(input("What is the pin you would connect an LED to? " +
"For example, type 2 for GPIO2"))
if output_pin >= 1 and output_pin <= 27:
option = input()
if option == "input" or option == "output":
print("Invalid pin number!")
print("Please type \"input\" or \"output\"")
# Set up LED object
led = LED(output_pin)
# Testing lighting an LED
if option == "output":
print("Please toggle the toggle switch to Output.")
# Give instructions
print("Please connect the long end of the LED to one end of a resistor," +
f" then connect the other end of the resistor to pin {output_pin}." +
" Then connect the short end of the LED to ground.")
# Get pin number that user wants to test
while True:
output_pin = int(input("What is the pin you're testing? "))
if output_pin >= 1 and output_pin <= 27:
print("Invalid pin number!")
# Blink LED
print(f"Blinking LED connected to pin {output_pin}")
print("Ctrl-C to exit")
while True:
# Set up LED object
led = LED(output_pin)
# Testing reading a button
if option == "input":
# Get pin number that user wants to test
while True:
input_pin = int(input("What is the pin the button is connected to? " +
"For example, type 2 for GPIO2"))
if input_pin >= 1 and input_pin <= 27:
print("Invalid pin number!")
# Blink LED 10 times
print(f"Blinking LED connected to pin {output_pin}")
print("Ctrl-C to exit")
for i in range(5):
# Testing reading a button
elif option == "input":
print("Please toggle the toggle switch to Input.")
print("Please also turn the potentiometer all the way CCW.")
# Set up button object
button = Button(input_pin)
# Get pin number that user wants to test
while True:
input_pin = int(input("What is the pin you want to test? "))
# There are only 27 GPIOs
if input_pin >= 1 and input_pin <= 27:
print("Invalid pin number!")
# Give instructions
print(f"Please connect one end of the button to pin {input_pin}. Then" +
" connect the other end of the button to ground." +
" Then press the button.")
print("If the button is pressed, this program will print" +
" \"Button pressed!\"")
print("Ctrl-C to exit")
# Set up button object
button = Button(input_pin)
# Look for button press (when the pin reads LOW, as it defaults to internal
# pull-up)
while True:
print("Button pressed!")
print("Every half a second, if the button is pressed, the program " +
"will say so!")
# Press the button
for i in range(10):
if button.value() == 1:
print("Button is pressed!")

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