


* File Name: CYBLE_STACK_PVT.h
* Version 2.0
* Description:
* Contains the function prototypes and constants for the HAL section
* of the BLE component.
* Note:
* Copyright 2014-2015, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.

#if !defined(CY_BLE_CYBLE_STACK_PVT_H)

#include "BLE_eventHandler.h"

* Data Struct Definitions
typedef struct
uint32 timerPeriod; /* In ms */
uint8 timerMode; /* One shot, continuous. */
} CyBLE_timerConfig;

* Function Prototypes

void CyBLE_Bless_LlRegRead (const reg32 *blessAddr, uint16 *regValue);
void CyBLE_Bless_LlRegWrite (reg32 *blessAddr, const uint16 regValue);
void CyBLE_Bless_RfRegRead (const reg32 *blessAddr, uint16 *regValue);
void CyBLE_Bless_RfRegWrite (reg32 *blessAddr, const uint16 regValue);
void BLE_uart_Start (void);
void BLE_uart_Stop (void);
void BLE_uart_Transmit (const uint8 *dataBuf, uint8 length);
void CyBLE_BlessDeviceConfig(void);

* Stack manager prototypes

/* Extern definitions for BLE Stack ISR handler */
extern void CyBle_BleSSInterruptHandler(void);

/* These APIs need to be renamed */

/* To be used only for HCI_MODE and in Debug mode
* where the logger serial port is enabled
extern void PSOC4A_handle_transport_uart_tx_complete (void);

/* To be used only for HCI_MODE */
extern void PSOC4A_handle_transport_rx_byte(uint8 byte);

/* Handle timer interrupt */
extern void pf_timer_handle_tick (void);

#define CyBLE_pf_handle_uart_rx_data PSOC4A_handle_transport_rx_byte
#define CyBLE_pf_handle_uart_tx_complt PSOC4A_handle_transport_uart_tx_complete
#define CyBLE_pf_timer_tick_hdlr pf_timer_handle_tick
#define CyBLE_pf_bless_event_hdlr CyBle_BleSSInterruptHandler

* Macros
#define CyBLE_INTR_TX_SUCCESS 0x00u
#define CyBLE_INTR_TX_DONE 0x00u
#define CyBLE_INTR_TX_OVERFLOW 0x01u

#define CyBLE_INTR_RX_SUCCESS 0x00u
#define CyBLE_INTR_RX_NOT_EMPTY 0x00u
#define CyBLE_INTR_RX_OVERFLOW 0x01u


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