


* File Name: BLE_bless_isr.h
* Version 1.70
* Description:
* Provides the function definitions for the Interrupt Controller.
* Copyright 2008-2015, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
#if !defined(CY_ISR_BLE_bless_isr_H)
#define CY_ISR_BLE_bless_isr_H

#include <cytypes.h>
#include <cyfitter.h>

/* Interrupt Controller API. */
void BLE_bless_isr_Start(void);
void BLE_bless_isr_StartEx(cyisraddress address);
void BLE_bless_isr_Stop(void);


void BLE_bless_isr_SetVector(cyisraddress address);
cyisraddress BLE_bless_isr_GetVector(void);

void BLE_bless_isr_SetPriority(uint8 priority);
uint8 BLE_bless_isr_GetPriority(void);

void BLE_bless_isr_Enable(void);
uint8 BLE_bless_isr_GetState(void);
void BLE_bless_isr_Disable(void);

void BLE_bless_isr_SetPending(void);
void BLE_bless_isr_ClearPending(void);

/* Interrupt Controller Constants */

/* Address of the INTC.VECT[x] register that contains the Address of the BLE_bless_isr ISR. */
#define BLE_bless_isr_INTC_VECTOR ((reg32 *) BLE_bless_isr__INTC_VECT)

/* Address of the BLE_bless_isr ISR priority. */
#define BLE_bless_isr_INTC_PRIOR ((reg32 *) BLE_bless_isr__INTC_PRIOR_REG)

/* Priority of the BLE_bless_isr interrupt. */
#define BLE_bless_isr_INTC_PRIOR_NUMBER BLE_bless_isr__INTC_PRIOR_NUM

/* Address of the INTC.SET_EN[x] byte to bit enable BLE_bless_isr interrupt. */
#define BLE_bless_isr_INTC_SET_EN ((reg32 *) BLE_bless_isr__INTC_SET_EN_REG)

/* Address of the INTC.CLR_EN[x] register to bit clear the BLE_bless_isr interrupt. */
#define BLE_bless_isr_INTC_CLR_EN ((reg32 *) BLE_bless_isr__INTC_CLR_EN_REG)

/* Address of the INTC.SET_PD[x] register to set the BLE_bless_isr interrupt state to pending. */
#define BLE_bless_isr_INTC_SET_PD ((reg32 *) BLE_bless_isr__INTC_SET_PD_REG)

/* Address of the INTC.CLR_PD[x] register to clear the BLE_bless_isr interrupt. */
#define BLE_bless_isr_INTC_CLR_PD ((reg32 *) BLE_bless_isr__INTC_CLR_PD_REG)

#endif /* CY_ISR_BLE_bless_isr_H */

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