


* File Name: CyBootAsmGnu.s
* Version 5.0
* Description:
* Assembly routines for GNU as.
* Copyright 2010-2015, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.

.syntax unified
.include ""

* Function Name: CyDelayCycles
* Summary:
* Delays for the specified number of cycles.
* Parameters:
* uint32 cycles: number of cycles to delay.
* Return:
* None
/* void CyDelayCycles(uint32 cycles) */
.align 3 /* Align to 8 byte boundary (2^n) */
.global CyDelayCycles
.func CyDelayCycles, CyDelayCycles
.type CyDelayCycles, %function
CyDelayCycles: /* cycles bytes */
ADDS r0, r0, #2 /* 1 2 Round to nearest multiple of 4 */
LSRS r0, r0, #2 /* 1 2 Divide by 4 and set flags */
BEQ CyDelayCycles_done /* 2 2 Skip if 0 */
.IF ((CYIPBLOCK_m0s8cpussv2_VERSION == 1) && (CYIPBLOCK_m0s8srssv2_VERSION == 1))
/* If device is using CPUSSv2 and SRSSv2 leave loop unaligned */
NOP /* 1 2 Loop alignment padding */
SUBS r0, r0, #1 /* 1 2 Decrement counter */
BNE CyDelayCycles_loop /* 3 2 3 CPU cycles (if branche is taken)*/
NOP /* 1 2 Loop alignment padding */
NOP /* 1 2 Loop alignment padding */
NOP /* 1 2 Loop alignment padding */
BX lr /* 3 2 */

* Function Name: CyEnterCriticalSection
* Summary:
* CyEnterCriticalSection disables interrupts and returns a value indicating
* whether interrupts were previously enabled (the actual value depends on
* whether the device is PSoC 3 or PSoC 5).
* Note Implementation of CyEnterCriticalSection manipulates the IRQ enable bit
* with interrupts still enabled. The test and set of the interrupt bits is not
* atomic; this is true for both PSoC 3 and PSoC 5. Therefore, to avoid a
* corrupting processor state, it must be the policy that all interrupt routines
* restore the interrupt enable bits as they were found on entry.
* Parameters:
* None
* Return:
* uint8
* Returns 0 if interrupts were previously enabled or 1 if interrupts
* were previously disabled.
/* uint8 CyEnterCriticalSection(void) */
.global CyEnterCriticalSection
.func CyEnterCriticalSection, CyEnterCriticalSection
.type CyEnterCriticalSection, %function
MRS r0, PRIMASK /* Save and return interrupt state */
CPSID I /* Disable interrupts */
BX lr

* Function Name: CyExitCriticalSection
* Summary:
* CyExitCriticalSection re-enables interrupts if they were enabled before
* CyEnterCriticalSection was called. The argument should be the value returned
* from CyEnterCriticalSection.
* Parameters:
* uint8 savedIntrStatus:
* Saved interrupt status returned by the CyEnterCriticalSection function.
* Return:
* None
/* void CyExitCriticalSection(uint8 savedIntrStatus) */
.global CyExitCriticalSection
.func CyExitCriticalSection, CyExitCriticalSection
.type CyExitCriticalSection, %function
MSR PRIMASK, r0 /* Restore interrupt state */
BX lr


/* [] END OF FILE */