


* File Name: Red_LED.h
* Version 2.10
* Description:
* This file containts Control Register function prototypes and register defines
* Note:
* Copyright 2008-2014, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.

#if !defined(CY_PINS_Red_LED_H) /* Pins Red_LED_H */
#define CY_PINS_Red_LED_H

#include "cytypes.h"
#include "cyfitter.h"
#include "Red_LED_aliases.h"

* Function Prototypes

void Red_LED_Write(uint8 value) ;
void Red_LED_SetDriveMode(uint8 mode) ;
uint8 Red_LED_ReadDataReg(void) ;
uint8 Red_LED_Read(void) ;
uint8 Red_LED_ClearInterrupt(void) ;

* API Constants

/* Drive Modes */
#define Red_LED_DRIVE_MODE_BITS (3)

#define Red_LED_DM_ALG_HIZ (0x00u)
#define Red_LED_DM_DIG_HIZ (0x01u)
#define Red_LED_DM_RES_UP (0x02u)
#define Red_LED_DM_RES_DWN (0x03u)
#define Red_LED_DM_OD_LO (0x04u)
#define Red_LED_DM_OD_HI (0x05u)
#define Red_LED_DM_STRONG (0x06u)
#define Red_LED_DM_RES_UPDWN (0x07u)

/* Digital Port Constants */
#define Red_LED_MASK Red_LED__MASK
#define Red_LED_SHIFT Red_LED__SHIFT
#define Red_LED_WIDTH 1u

* Registers

/* Main Port Registers */
/* Pin State */
#define Red_LED_PS (* (reg32 *) Red_LED__PS)
/* Port Configuration */
#define Red_LED_PC (* (reg32 *) Red_LED__PC)
/* Data Register */
#define Red_LED_DR (* (reg32 *) Red_LED__DR)
/* Input Buffer Disable Override */
#define Red_LED_INP_DIS (* (reg32 *) Red_LED__PC2)

#if defined(Red_LED__INTSTAT) /* Interrupt Registers */

#define Red_LED_INTSTAT (* (reg32 *) Red_LED__INTSTAT)

#endif /* Interrupt Registers */

* The following code is DEPRECATED and
* must not be used.

#define Red_LED_DRIVE_MODE_SHIFT (0x00u)

#endif /* End Pins Red_LED_H */

/* [] END OF FILE */