




#Version: 1.1

#Build Date: May 8 2015 09:27:37

#File Generated: May 29 2015 00:00:20


#Copyright (C) 2010-2011 by Softjin Technologies Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved.


Executing : C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\PSoC Creator\3.2\PSoC Creator\bin/sjplacer.exe --proj-name BLE Lab 1_1 --netlist-vh2 BLE Lab 1_1_p.vh2 --arch-file C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\PSoC Creator\3.2\PSoC Creator\dev/arch/p4_udb2x2.ark --rrg-file C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\PSoC Creator\3.2\PSoC Creator\dev/psoc4/3/route_arch-rrg.cydata --irq-file C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\PSoC Creator\3.2\PSoC Creator\dev/psoc4/3/irqconn.cydata --dsi-conn-file C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\PSoC Creator\3.2\PSoC Creator\dev/psoc4/3/dsiconn.cydata --pins-file pins_56-QFN.xml --lib-file BLE Lab 1_1_p.lib --sdc-file BLE Lab 1_1.sdc --io-pcf BLE Lab 1_1.pci --outdir .

Softjin Techologies Placer, Version 1.1

Build Date : May 8 2015 08:51:53

D2004: Option and Settings Summary
Netlist vh2 file - BLE Lab 1_1_p.vh2
Architecture file - C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\PSoC Creator\3.2\PSoC Creator\dev/arch/p4_udb2x2.ark
Package -
Defparam file -
SDC file - BLE Lab 1_1.sdc
Output directory - .
Timing library - BLE Lab 1_1_p.lib
IO Placement file - BLE Lab 1_1.pci

D2050: Starting reading inputs for placer
D2065: Reading netlist file : "BLE Lab 1_1_p.vh2"
D2065: Reading arch file : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\PSoC Creator\3.2\PSoC Creator\dev/arch/p4_udb2x2.ark"
D2051: Reading of inputs for placer completed successfully

D2053: Starting placement of the design

Phase 2
Phase 3
I2659: No Constrained paths were found. The placer will run in non-timing driven mode.

Design Statistics after Packing
Number of Combinational MCs : 0
Number of Sequential MCs : 0
Number of DPs : 0
Number of Controls : 0
Number of Status : 0
Number of SyncCells : 0
Number of count7cells : 0

Device Utilization Summary after Packing
Macrocells : 0/32
UDBS : 0/4
IOs : 1/38

D2088: Phase 3, elapsed time : 0.0 (sec)

Phase 4
D2088: Phase 4, elapsed time : 0.0 (sec)

Phase 8
D2088: Phase 8, elapsed time : 0.0 (sec)

D2054: Placement of the design completed successfully

I2076: Total run-time: 0.3 sec.
