


CAD templates

Select the appropriate file based on your CAD package.

Find the most recent templates for NX and SolidWorks posted at the CAD Homepage:

Unzip the files, review the README file, and place in appropriate locations.

Please read and follow the README file for instructions. Most users who have issues simply didn't fully follow the instructions!
The only correct way to use the drawing templates is to place these files in the correct directory so SolidWorks or NX can find them. DO NOT open the template and edit it.

Be sure to review the Diagrams and CAD information to ensure that your parts are well designed and documented.

For imperial units, DO NOT alter the tolerance block!
For metric drawings, tolerance block should be adjusted:
X.X 0.38 mm
X.XX 0.25 mm
X.XXX 0.13 mm

NOTE : Unless specifically required by your Client, DO NOT use metric dimensions, metric hardware, or metric raw material in your design. It is harder to obtain and more expensive in the USA.