


Confidentiality Requirements

Sponsorship Agreement and Waiver

Our forms are available here for your convenience. Purchasing related forms can be found at: Purchasing Guidelines.

Confidentiality Requirements

One of the educational goals of the Capstone Design course is increase student’s awareness of the need to protect confidential technical information. The Sponsorship Agreement (SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT 11-15-13.pdf) describes the rules for handling information provided by the Client that is explicitly marked “confidential”. Guidelines are also given for publication of project results.

It is rare that our projects require explicitly identified confidential information. It is therefore important to recognize that ALL the technical information in our projects should be given appropriate protection. The general rule is that we should share information only when it is in the best interest of the project, or when it serves appropriate educational goals. It is also acceptable to discuss appropriate project information when applying for jobs. But be aware that interviewers will respect your professionalism for limiting the information about the Client’s project that you are willing to discuss with another company.

A specific issue concerns the use of Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and possibly other “free” e-mail services to exchange project technical information. Google, Yahoo and others may scan their email in the process of attaching relevant advertising or for marketing analysis. The risk for the release of confidential information is a matter of debate. But any such risk can be avoided by using RPI e-mail or the EDN system. The Capstone course policy is to NOT include any project technical information in messages to or from Gmail or other non-RPI addresses. Note that this risk still exists if you are forwarding all of your RPI email to a Google email account - this is not permitted.