


Creating a New Wiki Page

There are TWO ways to create a new Wiki page.

Method 1

  1. Click the edit button on your current wiki page
  2. Create a link to the new (not yet existing) page. In the wiki editor this looks like:
            ![[New Page Name]]

    Note - the double square brackets are the key! (they are located just above and to the left of the 'Enter' key on most keyboards)
  3. Save the current page.
  4. Click on that new link to go to “New Page Name”
  5. It will take you into the editor for that new page!
  6. Enter the new page content
  7. Saving this new page will create it!

Method 2

Click on the plus sign at the top left of your browser. This will immediately take you to the editor for a new page - HOWEVER - it will NOT link the new page to any other page!
How can you find/access the new page?
Clink on any of the three links in the upper right of this page (Start page, Index by title, or Index by date) and find it that way OR you can edit an existing page and use the New Page Name syntax shown above to create a link on that page to your new page.

It’s that easy!

What to put in the wiki?

We have collected some recommendations showing the Typical Home Page for a Capstone team.