



doxygen is an open source program that creates software documentations in HTML, RTF, and LaTex from the marked comments in source files. The main web page is as follows: It supports a number of languages including C/C++ and Matlab.

The download page is: <- NOTE, subject to change like all web links! Google if not found here!

It is easy to get started using a binary distribution for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.

A one sheet font & back 'cheat sheet' of the most common Doxygen codes can be found at:

A good documentation for C prepared by the CS Dept at Carnegie Mellon University is found at:

This author put the comments in the .h file. This practice helps the users of the library. On the other hand, it is easier for a developer to maintain both source codes and comments in .c files instead of .h files. You can choose an approach that is easier for you.

You can use a Readme file containing the main command to maintain the overview of the software and installation instructions.

Arduino / ESP32 Software

Helpful links:

Once you generate the doxyfile, you will need to make several simple modifications, as per the above article, to make it compatible with the Arduino code.