


Final Design Review Schedule

Final Design Review Instructions

Course Scheduled Finals

Multidisciplinary Capstone Design does not have a final exam. The registrar does schedule final times for ECSE 4900, ISYE 4270, MANE 4260, and MTLE 4920. This is to guarantee that the team has at least one time slot that works for everyone.
The course has no activities during these blocks.
Teams can use these time slots for their final design review or anything else agreed to by instructors and team members.
Presentations, including Q&A time, are generally 2 hours.
All team members are to be there in person in addition to your PE, CE and client.

RUBRICS - Be sure to review the rubric BEFORE and AFTER you create your final presentation: export:Rubrics\Final Design Review Form.docx

  • Design Showcase - Wednesday, December 4th from 1-3pm
  • Study and Review Days - December 11th and 12th
  • Final Exam Days - December 13th through December 19th.

Official Fall 2024 Finals Exam Times

  • Section 1 - Thursday, December 19th, 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Section 2 - Thursday, December 19th, 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
  • Section 3 - Thursday, December 19th, 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Section 4 - Thursday, December 19th, 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
The link to the master list containing all Final Exam dates/times for courses is available here

All teams are responsible for reaching out to their clients to schedule the final presentation.
The entire team, your client, project engineer, and chief engineer need to be at the final review. Confirm that BEFORE scheduling with your client!

  • JEC 3232 - Design Lab classroom, East side towards Student Union
  • JEC 3332 - Design Lab classroom, West side towards downtown Troy
  • JEC 3321 - conference room just outside the 3332 door into the Design Lab (near Prof. Kanai's office, North West corner) (O) 1-518-276-2879
  • JEC 3103 - Brad DeBoer's & Aren Paster's & Kanna Natarajan's (Project Engineers) office


If you are looking to schedule your team, make sure your Project and Chief Engineers are not already committed to another review below!

ALL locations are usually within the JEC and will be determined by the Design Lab and generally will NOT be known until a day or two before the meeting. Be sure to check back here on the DAY OF your review to find the location.

Sec Client Project Project Eng Chief Eng Date Day Time Location Refreshments Client Other Guests Note Client on (C)ampus or (W)ebex
2 Western Digital Rover-Based Assistive Device Development - Wheel Chair Junichi Kanai Prabhakar Neti 12/18/24 Weds 1:00-2:00 JEC3232 Brian Bowles and Rivan Paulos Need Owl W
3 NYSDEC Heat Pump Demonstrator Junichi Kanai Muhsin Celik 12/18/24 Weds 3:30-5:00 Five Rivers No Gina Jack Owl and Projector Off Campus


Note to all. This list is provided as a cut/paste convenience for the PE's and as a reminder to the students that if your team is not listed above, then you need to get it scheduled!

Sec Client Project Project Eng Chief Eng Date Day Time Location Refreshments Client Other Guests Note Client on (C)ampus or (W)ebex
4 Design Lab Mechatronics Demonstration of 2D Motion Junichi Kanai Indika Perera

DRY run schedules

If you are seeking a dry run presentation review with your PE you would be advised to schedule EARLY since all the PE's have several teams. Waiting to schedule may leave you without an available time slot!

Client Project Project Eng Chief Eng Date Day Time Location Note


Sec Client Project Project Eng Chief Eng Day Date Time Location Refreshments Client Other Guests Note
1 Santiago, Glen, Jim Brogan Aircraft Robotic Assembly Natarajan Neti 12/9/2024 Mon 8:00-10:00am JEC 3232 No Owl WebEx+Campus
2 Zoe Dawson & Michael Genovese Predictive Refrigerant Leak Modeling in VRF Systems Natarajan Neti 12/9/2024 Mon 12:00-1:30 Conference Room JEC 3321 No Owl WebEx
3 JBT AGV Mast Lifting Paster Ballinger 12/10/2024 Tues 10:00-noon JEC 3321 Conference room Stephen Munisteri +1? C
1 Science Center Moveable Crane Paster Hoffman 12/10/24 Tues 3:00-5:00 RAVE Lab JEC 2317 Joe Sicko Sam C C
2 Corning Crack Growth Anderson Mishra 12/11/24 Wed 11-1 JEC 3321 Conference room No Jared & Emily Owl Webex
3 Living Buildings Rammed Earth Formwork Efficiency DeBoer Ballinger 12/11/24 Weds 11:00-1:00 JEC 3232 Marcus Jones BT Speaker Phone W
4 Boeing Enterprise Test Vehicle Paster Perara 12/11/24 Weds 12:00-2:00 JEC 3332 Stephen Provost Rene Hymmen Owl W
2 Design Lab Window Security DeBoer Mishra 12/11/24 Weds 2:00-4:00 JEC 3232 Alexandra Rempel Owl W
4 MILL Swirled Plastic Parts Paster Ozisik 12/11/24 Weds 3:00-5:00 JEC 3332 Oligny Sam, Maddie C
1 RabbitMotion Stationary and Mobile Bike Design Brad DeBoer Casey Hoffman 12/11/24 Weds. 4:00-6:00 JEC 3232 N Ashraf Elghandour Owl W
3 Design Lab DL Acoustics Paster Amadi 12/12/2024 Thurs 9:00-11:00am JEC 3332 Miller C
3 Jefferson Project Cold-Conditions Sub-Surface Water Quality Sensor Development Mark Anderson Muhsin Celik 12/12 Thursday 10:00 JEC 3321
1 Dylan Rees, Lauren Kelly, Shayla Sawyer Multiplexer Module for Bioelectrochemical Experiments Natarajan Neti 12/12/2024 Thurs 10:00-12:00 JEC 3232 Yes C
4 Sikorsky Part Distortion During Machining DeBoer Ozisik 12/12/24 Thurs 12:30-2:30 3332 Yes Ryan Patry et. al. Yes Owl C & W
4 Design Lab Mechatronics Demonstration of 2D Motion Kanai Perea 12/12/24 Thurs 1:00-3:00 JEC 3232 Prof. Felix C
4 Lockheed Martin Persistent ID DeBoer Celik 12/12/24 Thurs 3:00-5:00 3332 Combine with Sikorsky Ryan Patry et. al. Yes Owl C & W
1 Smith Kit Serving Automation for Commons Dining Hall Natarajan Neti 12/13/2024 Fri 10:00-12:00 JEC 3332 Yes C
1 Sam Chiappone MPS Final Exam Sam Chiappone Sam Chiappone 12/13/2024 Fri 11:30-2:30pm JEC 3232 yes
4 Plug Power Autonomous Data Collection Anderson Celik 12/13/2024 Fri 1:00-3:00 JEC 3332 maybe Jen Smith + remote Need Owl both