


Final Peer Evaluation and Self-Reflection

Your insight (peer evaluation) will be shared by your Chief Engineer and Project Engineer. They are NOT viewable by other students. This additional information will be considered in determining the Individual Contribution Factor (ICF).

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Version - Fall 2020
Q Evaluation Criteria Score
0.2 (Poor) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 (Good)
1 Technical Contribution Rarely made useful technical contributions   Sometimes made useful technical contributions   Mostly made quality technical contributions   Usually made high quality technical contributions   Consistently made high quality and quantity technical contributions
2 Quality and Quantity of Communication Rarely communicates technical issues clearly   Sometimes communicated technical issues clearly   Mostly communicated technical issues clearly   Usually communicated technical issues clearly   Always communicated technical issues very clearly
3 Provide Leadership Passive with respect to goal setting, initiating tasks, and resolving problems. Made little or no positive contribution in making the team's engineering decisions. Made a mixed contribution (positive & negative) in making engineering decisions. Made an overall positive contribution in making engineering decisions and generally supported the teammates to meet project goals. Made a positive contribution in making engineering decisions and actively supported the teammates to meet project goals.
4 Create Collaborative Environment Rarely accepted responsibility and worked with others.  Sometimes accepted responsibility and worked with others   Mostly accepted responsibility and worked with others   Usually accepted responsibility and worked with others   Always accepted responsibility and worked with others
5 Create Inclusive Environment Criticized with no solution offered, treated others unprofessionally   Sometimes open to ideas, and sometimes treated others with respect   Mostly open to ideas and mostly treated others with respect   Usually open to ideas and usually treated others with respect   Open to ideas & treated others with respect
6 Establish Goals and Plan Tasks Poorly organized and could not foresee problems   Sometimes organized   Mostly organized   Usually organized   Always organized
7 Meet Objectives - Meeting deadlines Rarely met deadlines   Sometimes met deadlines   Mostly met deadlines   Usually met deadlines   Met all deadlines
8 Meet Objectives - Focused Rarely worked on project related tasks. Let others do the work   Sometimes worked on project related tasks. Other group members had to sometimes nag, prod, and remind to keep this person on task   Mostly worked on project related tasks   Usually worked on project related tasks. Other group members were able to count on this person   Always worked on project related tasks. Very self-directed
9 Meeting Objectives - Attending Meetings Missed most meetings   Made few meetings   Made some meetings   Made most meetings   Made all meetings
Section Two: Comments
10 Technical Contributions  List teamate's key technical strength and key technical contributions to date.
11 Project Management Contributions  List teamate's major project management contribution.
12 Area(s) for Improvement  Offer constructive feedback to this teammate. It must specific and attainable.
13 Letter Grade  Assign a letter grade for this teammate - A/B/C/D/F. It is important to be able to accurately assess everyone's capabilities and contributions. Avoid simply giving all team members the same grade as this reflects poorly on yourself!
14 Ranking  Assign a unique ranking, i.e. no duplication, for this teammate with 1 being the most valuable. It is important to be able to accurately assess everyone's capabilities and contributions.
Section Three: Your own reflection
15 Your Own Reflection - Your Motivation  What influenced your motivation level? How did this change as the semester progressed?
16 Your Own Reflection - Previous Courses  List a couple of previous courses that were helpful in working on the project.
17 Your Own Reflection - Learning  List two things you have learned from this course.
18 Your Own Reflection - Major challenges and issues  Describe the major challenge you faced.
19 Your Own Reflection - Your Individual Performance  Assess your individual performance.