



This project-based course uses a holistic approach (vs. assignments and tests) to evaluate performance. Show all of your work using the online collaboration tool called Electronic Design Notebook (EDN). Failure to document your work in the EDN will negatively impact your final grade.

Graded tasks are summarized in the following table, and your grades are posted to LMS. Your final grade is determined as:

Final Grade = (Team Grade * ICF) + Individual Grade where ICF is Individual Contribution Factor.

For more information, see Tasks_and_Due_Dates.

Fall 2024
Due Date Deliverables Type % of Final Grade
9/12 (9/17) Benchmarking Memo Individual 5
Up to 9/16 (9/20) Technical Progress #1 Individual 6
9/16 (9/20) Need & Requirement Spreadsheet Team 5
9/23 (9/27) Concept Generation PPT Team 5
9/26 - 10/4 Client Meeting #2 Team 5
10/10 (10/11) Board of Directors Review - Oral presentation Team 5
Individual 2
10/15 Preliminary Peer Evaluation (on-time submission) Bonus 1
Up to 10/17 (10/18) Technical Progress and Project Mgmt. #2 Individual 6
10/17 (10/18) System Design Report Team 5
10/17 (10/18) Detailed Individual Design Report Individual 6
10/14 - 10/18 Client Meeting #3 Team 5
Up to 11/18 (11/19) Technical Progress and Project Mgmt. #3 Individual 6
12/10 Final Design Report + Poster Team 15
12/10 Technical Progress and Project Mgmt. #4 Individual 6
12/12 Final Peer Evaluation (on-time submission) Bonus 1
12/9-12/19 Final Design Review Presentation + System Evaluation Team 15
Individual 3
Total 102